Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Low Level Laser Therapy A New Source For Pain Relief

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is commonly used for the temporary relief of pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and neck pain.
LLLT also has proven beneficial for the treatment of wound healing.
There is no heat, or sound or vibration emitted with LLLT.
The process delivers a combination of monochromatic light and laser radiation.
The therapy is typically delivered by allied health care professionals, or in some cases a physician.
LLLT is becoming more and more accepted by mainstream medicine, and therefore has the potential to provide relief to millions of people suffering from pain, and other patients who are dealing with wounds that are not healing sufficiently.
The procedure is painless and lasts about 10 minutes.
Depending on the individual patient needs, it is recommend that treatments be administered twice a week.
For patients who suffer from chronic pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain or any pain due to inflammation laser therapy can mean significant improvement in their quality of life.
It is believed that low level laser therapy may increase serotonin and endorphins and improve blood circulation, which can be especially helpful to diabetics whose wounds are slow to heal.
For arthritis sufferers, it has been shown to increase lymphatic flow which often results in reduced edema.
People who have rheumatoid arthritis know that it is the chronic inflammation that increases pain and contributes to permanent joint damage.
LLLT has been shown to be effective for postoperative pain.
In a double blind study surgical patients who received a six to eight minute laser therapy reported pain levels of mild to moderate.
Those patients who did not receive LLLT reported pain levels of moderate to severe.
More studies are being done to provide further evidence of the efficacy of laser therapy.
LLLT may be referred to as laser acupuncture when the laser is applied to pressure points.
It is also known as cold laser therapy or low-power laser therapy.
The use of LLLT is gaining mainstream acceptance in traditional medicine.
Some health care insurance companies, but certainly not all, cover the therapy, and the treatment has a CPT (current procedural terminology) code for billing.
Those insurance companies who don't cover the treatment claim that it is still experimental.
The treatment is safe and painless.
People suffering from pain, especially chronic pain, are eager to find some form of relief.
Pain sufferers have nothing to lose, except their pain, by trying LLLT.
There are various products available, and all may not be created equal.
Research can be very helpful in making the decision about which product to use.
If the product is FDA (Federal Drug Administration) approved it will be a better choice than a product that is not FDA approved.
There are many chronic conditions such as arthritis, lymphedema, neck pain and neuralgia are often not responsive to traditional medical treatment.
Each of these conditions impacts the quality of everyday life.
Living in chronic pain can cause other emotional problems for sufferers.
Why not try low level laser therapy if other treatments have not been successful? Physicians and physical therapists can help patients make the decision that is right for them.
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