- 1). Stock up on Poke Balls, as you can only battle these Pokemon once. You can purchase Poke Balls from vendors throughout the game world.
- 2). Level all your Pokemon to a minimum of Level 65.
- 3). Travel to Sunny Shore City and defeat the gym leader there in a Pokemon match (if you have not already done so). Once the gym leader is defeated, head to the far left of the town, to an area surrounded by water. You will be approached and given the "hidden waterfall" ability.
- 4). Train one of your Pokemon with your new ability, and then enter the water and swim north until you locate a waterfall. Use the waterfall and proceed north until you find a building. You will then battle the Elite Four, and if you're strong enough to defeat them, you have a good chance of capturing Palkia and Dialga. Defeating the Elite Four is required to approach these Pokemon.
- 5). Go to Celestic Town and head to the top of the spear pillar, where there are two portals. Save your game immediately -- you will not get a second chance to defeat these Pokemon if you don't save.
- 6). Touch the portals to release Dialga and Palkia. Fight them in battle and then use Poke Balls against them when they are weakened to capture them. If you accidentally defeat these Pokemon, load your saved game and try again.