Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Writing Activities for Elementary Teachers

    Show, Not Tell

    • "Show and Tell" is an elementary school classic, but it can be made into a creative writing exercise with a small twist. Simply instruct the class to think of something important to them -- it can be an object, anything from "my favorite teddy bear" to "the magnolia tree in my front yard," a person or even something intangible, like "playing baseball on warm summer nights." Have them write an essay, story or poem whose goal is to "show" this object to the class. Either give them time in class or assign it as homework to be shared the following day.

    Random Story

    • Before class, make up a series of scraps or index cards with things in different categories written on them. Some should have characters, such as "an elderly train conductor"; some should have settings, such as "a hut in the middle of the desert"; some should have times, such as "noon on a Tuesday" or "during prehistoric times"; and some should have situations, such as "someone has leaked a secret." Make sure that there are enough cards in each category for each student to have one of each. Have them pick a card from each category and write a story or poem that involves all of them. This activity encourages kids to think outside the box, especially with combinations such as "the roof of a fast-food restraurant" and "during the Dark Ages."

    Cut-up Story

    • This activity is good for large groups. Cut out lots of pictures from magazines, old books and catalogs, and place all the pictures in a cardboard box. Give each student a stapled-together packet of blank paper and allow them to pick a picture from the box. Have them begin a story, based on the picture they've picked. Give them three to five minutes to write. At the end of the allotted time, have them throw the pictures back in the box and pass their stories to another student -- for maximum efficiency, either have them circle up and pass to the left or right, or collect the papers and distribute them yourself. Have each student pick another picture and continue the story that's been started on the paper they now have, based on the new picture. Repeat as many times as you like -- this exercise can be as long or short as you want it.


    • Before class, make blown-up photocopies of several classified ads. Make sure there is at least one for each student. Distribute them among the students and instruct them to write the story behind each classified ad. Why is this person selling his barely-used water ski? Why does this person want metal soldering lessons?

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