Health & Medical Pain Diseases

How to Identify If You Have Serious Back Pain

When it comes to treating the problem of backache, most of us prefer self-care at home.
However, the problem might be more serious than it looks like and it may require urgent medical attention.
Therefore, it is very important for you to learn how to identify if you are suffering from serious back pain.
The chronic or acute pain often comes up suddenly.
Chronic pain usually lasts for a much a very long time, which can be six months or even much longer than that.
The acute pain appears usually after you suffer an apparent injury, but it does not last for more than a couple of weeks.
In either case, you must be able to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate a serious problem.
The following tips will prove to be very helpful for you in this regard.
Know When To Consult A Doctor When you identify any symptoms or signs that indicate serious back pain, you must visit your doctor immediately.
The symptoms may include a sudden pain in the back, extreme fatigue, unusual weight loss within a very short time, and other such things.
However, if you know that the pain is caused by an apparent injury or by strain, you had better go for some home treatment.
However, if the symptoms keep worsening even after that, you must immediately schedule and appointment with your physician and get yourself thoroughly checked up.
Does The Pain Occur On Specific Times? If the pain occurs on specific times, such as during night hours or during the early morning when you wake up, it might indicate a serious back pain problem.
You must seek medical attention if the pain is so severe that it awakens you from sleep and even taking rest does not provide you any relief.
Physical Signs Sometimes, the signs appear physically as well.
For example, you should look out for signs, such as suspicious skin lesions or lumps.
If you had some specific health problems in the past (which you think that is completely cured now) and if the pain lasts for more than a week, there is a possibility that the pain is not just associated with your back but also with that specific health problem.
So, you must consult your doctor immediately about it.
Home Care Is Not Working Another situation that may indicate a serious back pain problem is when your home care seems not to be working.
If it does not work within seventy-two hours, you should see your physician.
Any delay at this stage will only worsen your condition.
There are several other signs as well that you must be watchful of.
For example, there can be some neurological symptoms, such as loss of bowel or bladder control.
Besides that, sometimes, you may feel like the pain is moving from your back to your one or both legs - this also indicates a condition of serious back pain.
Likewise, individuals with a medical history of osteoporosis or cancer must take the pain seriously.
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