Technology Games

PC Flight Simulator Games

PC Flight simulator games genre stretches a long way back in the gaming industry.

Incredibly, while simple games like Pong and Asteroids were the current hit makers of the day, several talented developers were already working on flight simulators which pushed the boundaries of what people thought games could be.

Although technically inferior to today's game, these early flight simulator games were still highly advanced for their time, and created the framework for future games to develop into.

With the continuing inprovement in graphics technology, the makers of flight simulator games were able represent the feel and look of the exterior and the interior of the various aircraft, in addition to the outside enviorment.

Although some have fictionalised areas to fly across, some had manage to recreate real areas with some success.

More important than the development of graphics technology, was the increase in memory and sheer computing power available to flight simulator aircraft developers.

This allowed them to apply increasingly more complicated and realistic physics engines to the aircraft, which allowed them to better showcase the differences in how different aircraft handled.

This then was really the standard of the flight sim gaming niche.

As the genre grew in popularity, accessories tailored to flight sims became more available. Joysticks were a natural addition to flight sims, and as video game console style controllers became more and more popular on the PC, it was up to flight simulator game accessory makers to release new joysticks for use with the newest games.

Another innovation was pedals, which could be used with both flight sims and racing games. Flight simulator yokes were the follow up development. Most yokes usually have dashboards that have many displays and levers with aircraft imitating control wheels.

As the internet age grew, so did the ability for developers to add online play to their games, as well as continuously update their games with new aircraft and flight simulator airport and regions via patches which could be downloaded online.
Online gaming has revealed a new are of opportunities for PC users, and this wil continue to develop as time passes, because connection speeds and bandwiths are also growing.

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