The final beta for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) is finally underway and many gamers are choosing which classes to pursue upon release. The talent system within the game is a unique one; it allows plays to customize their character to suit their play style. For the Jedi Knight class, players can choose between: Jedi Guardian or Jedi Sentinel.
SWTOR Jedi Guardian is similar to warrior and tank type classes in other MMORPGs. This specialization allows the SWTOR Jedi Guardian to wear heavy armor and take plenty of damage before defeat. As a heavy armor specialist, the Jedi Guardian is the main tanking class within the game however, compared to a Sith Juggernaut for example, that class is the true tanker of the game. Jedi Guardians are also capable of melee DPS.
Single sabers are their main focus and the class is designed to help hold aggro from multiple mobs at once. The Guardian has two separate trees that are designed to help tailor the class: the "Vigilance" tree is designed with DPS characters in mind and focuses on bringing down enemies as quickly as possible. The "Defense" tree is designed for characters who want to specialize in tanking and protecting their allies. This tree allows the Guardian to hold aggro well and offers plenty of tools for the player to maintain threats throughout the game. The SWTOR Guardian has the ability to bolster his or her allies, so their attacks transform into more powerful while protecting them.
The other specialization tree for the Jedi Knight is the Sentinel, wielding dual lightsabers which damage that is nearly impossible to evade. This Jedi specialization is an offensive class, designed to put the player at the forefront of damage, making them nearly impossible to compete when it comes to damage. If you're the type of player who prefers dealing damage rather than absorbing it for your allies, the Sentinel is probably the more suitable character for you. More details about the Jedi Knight class could also be found at the SWTOR Guide fan site.
In conclusion, both classes are highly specialized and will appeal to several people. The Guardian is capable of damage but compared to the Sentinel class, the Guardian's damage is much less. Sentinels on the other hand are great combat specialists and players will enjoy executing moves enemies are unable to block. Two classes, two different play styles. Players will enjoy the versatility in these two classes..
SWTOR Jedi Guardian is similar to warrior and tank type classes in other MMORPGs. This specialization allows the SWTOR Jedi Guardian to wear heavy armor and take plenty of damage before defeat. As a heavy armor specialist, the Jedi Guardian is the main tanking class within the game however, compared to a Sith Juggernaut for example, that class is the true tanker of the game. Jedi Guardians are also capable of melee DPS.
Single sabers are their main focus and the class is designed to help hold aggro from multiple mobs at once. The Guardian has two separate trees that are designed to help tailor the class: the "Vigilance" tree is designed with DPS characters in mind and focuses on bringing down enemies as quickly as possible. The "Defense" tree is designed for characters who want to specialize in tanking and protecting their allies. This tree allows the Guardian to hold aggro well and offers plenty of tools for the player to maintain threats throughout the game. The SWTOR Guardian has the ability to bolster his or her allies, so their attacks transform into more powerful while protecting them.
The other specialization tree for the Jedi Knight is the Sentinel, wielding dual lightsabers which damage that is nearly impossible to evade. This Jedi specialization is an offensive class, designed to put the player at the forefront of damage, making them nearly impossible to compete when it comes to damage. If you're the type of player who prefers dealing damage rather than absorbing it for your allies, the Sentinel is probably the more suitable character for you. More details about the Jedi Knight class could also be found at the SWTOR Guide fan site.
In conclusion, both classes are highly specialized and will appeal to several people. The Guardian is capable of damage but compared to the Sentinel class, the Guardian's damage is much less. Sentinels on the other hand are great combat specialists and players will enjoy executing moves enemies are unable to block. Two classes, two different play styles. Players will enjoy the versatility in these two classes..