Saying a simple "I love you" does not mean that your partner truly loves you.
Real love is much more than just simply saying it.
And this is the major reason why you must know if your partners love towards you is true or not before you get into anything deep.
Read on to discover some of the most effective ways to know whether your partner truly loves you or not..
Question your partner about the long term- If your partner truly loves you he/she would not have any problems or commitment issues.
He/she would love to get married as soon as possible.
You see when your partner is doubtful about the relationship and how much he/she loves you they would come up with several excuses to avoid the long term question.
Has your partner given up on something because of you? - If your partner truly loves you he/she would be more than willing to change for you.
They would have no problems making sacrifices just to make you happy or comfortable.
Has your partner done anything like this? If not you must ask them to do something like this and read their response.
Can your partner see you sad? - If your partners love is true towards you he/she would find it extremely hard to see you in pain and would try his/her best to get you out of this state.
They will experience joy in your joy and they will feel hurt when you are hurt.
You see when your love is true you and your partner's emotions will be on the same wavelength.
At the same time whenever you are going through a tough phase your partner would always be there no matter what.
Real love is much more than just simply saying it.
And this is the major reason why you must know if your partners love towards you is true or not before you get into anything deep.
Read on to discover some of the most effective ways to know whether your partner truly loves you or not..
Question your partner about the long term- If your partner truly loves you he/she would not have any problems or commitment issues.
He/she would love to get married as soon as possible.
You see when your partner is doubtful about the relationship and how much he/she loves you they would come up with several excuses to avoid the long term question.
Has your partner given up on something because of you? - If your partner truly loves you he/she would be more than willing to change for you.
They would have no problems making sacrifices just to make you happy or comfortable.
Has your partner done anything like this? If not you must ask them to do something like this and read their response.
Can your partner see you sad? - If your partners love is true towards you he/she would find it extremely hard to see you in pain and would try his/her best to get you out of this state.
They will experience joy in your joy and they will feel hurt when you are hurt.
You see when your love is true you and your partner's emotions will be on the same wavelength.
At the same time whenever you are going through a tough phase your partner would always be there no matter what.