With the very large amount of acne products available how can you know what one is the best? Especially when they all are claiming that they are the best acne medicine available! Our skin's way of telling us that there is something that is wrong takes the form of the annoying blemish that we call acne.
There are so many things that cause acne, some of them are stress, bad eating habits, poor hygiene, and touching our faces more than we should be.
The main problem is that our pores are clogged, and we want to fix that! Over the counter medicines often times are the best option.
Occasionally if you have a really severe case you may need a specialists attention, such as a dermatologist.
However, that should be the last resort because a lot of prescription medications come with uncomfortable risky side effects.
Natural methods are usually the safest route.
BUT, if you make the wrong type of concoction you will also find yourself with side effects.
Therefore you should have a good recipe from a reliable, and legit source.
Most of the products that claim they are the best acne medicine are ones that just clear up acne's symptoms and don't cure the root cause of acne.
One of the products that is the most promising is the Proactive treatment.
Proactive actually kills all of the bacteria which is why it works so well.
The problem is that when we kill the good bacteria our bodies fight back by producing excess bacteria good & bad.
This causes more acne.
Some of us get lucky and this doesn't happen, that means our skin has developed a natural defense to the product and will soon stop working on our skin.
Knowing this, it is obvious that the best acne medicine is going to be a product that is safe, as a low-risk or no risk of side effects.
Also we want something that will treat acne from the root, not just masking the symptoms, and leaves us with a clear complexion, fast and effectively.
There are so many things that cause acne, some of them are stress, bad eating habits, poor hygiene, and touching our faces more than we should be.
The main problem is that our pores are clogged, and we want to fix that! Over the counter medicines often times are the best option.
Occasionally if you have a really severe case you may need a specialists attention, such as a dermatologist.
However, that should be the last resort because a lot of prescription medications come with uncomfortable risky side effects.
Natural methods are usually the safest route.
BUT, if you make the wrong type of concoction you will also find yourself with side effects.
Therefore you should have a good recipe from a reliable, and legit source.
Most of the products that claim they are the best acne medicine are ones that just clear up acne's symptoms and don't cure the root cause of acne.
One of the products that is the most promising is the Proactive treatment.
Proactive actually kills all of the bacteria which is why it works so well.
The problem is that when we kill the good bacteria our bodies fight back by producing excess bacteria good & bad.
This causes more acne.
Some of us get lucky and this doesn't happen, that means our skin has developed a natural defense to the product and will soon stop working on our skin.
Knowing this, it is obvious that the best acne medicine is going to be a product that is safe, as a low-risk or no risk of side effects.
Also we want something that will treat acne from the root, not just masking the symptoms, and leaves us with a clear complexion, fast and effectively.