Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Natural Cures For Canine Heart Worms #1 - Knowing the Heartworm Parasite

Heartworms are parasites that live mainly in heart muscle of dogs, even if there is an increasing incidence of parasite that is found in other animals, including cats, wolves, foxes, skunks and ferrets.
They can grow until they reach the length of fourteen inches.
A single heartworm could kill because it replicates itself.
Infested dogs may have up to 250 adult worms that live in their hearts.
A heartworm can live up to a maximum of seven years and produce millions of microfilaria in it's life.
Microfilaria can present danger to canines too.
The microscopic worm larvae live in your pet's bloodstream and travel through it's circulatory system.
When they are present in large numbers, they can clog the tiny capillaries and impair movement, causing even more problems.
Signs of infestation varies depending on the number of worms, worms location, the amount of time that the worms were present and the amount of damage to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys of the dog.
Worms microfilaria count also important.
Worms adults cause damage by the obstruction of the heart and major blood vessels leading from the heart.
Their presence keeps the heart valves from functioning properly, and reduces the supply of blood to the lungs, liver and kidneys.
This leads to a malfunction of these organs, including liver cirrhosis.
The most obvious signs of chronic heart infection are mild, dry cough, shortness of breath, low strength, weakness, apathy and nervousness.
These symptoms are more evident after the exercise.
A dog with advanced degree of infestation weak heart even lose consciousness after or during strenuous exercise.
A veterinarian can see other signs of infestation by doing a heart examination.
He or she can listen to abnormal heart and lung sounds, note or congestive heart failure symptoms.
The abdomen and legs may swell because of the accumulation of liquid, and the dog may lose weight or be anemic.
Dogs infected can die suddenly during exercise or excitement of congestive heart failure.
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