- The primary function of an ELL paraprofessional is to assist certified ELL teachers in teaching children the skills necessary to speak, read and write fluently in English.
- Sometimes called teachers' assistants, ELL paraprofessionals perform tasks as directed by the lead ELL teacher. The specific duties of an ELL paraprofessional will vary from class to class, depending on the needs of the teacher.
- ELL paraprofessionals help supervise children and provide extra support for students needing additional assistance during independent activities, and in some cases, perform part of a day's lesson, according to the plans developed by the lead teacher. Paraprofessionals also assist with grading work, setting up activities, cleaning up the classroom and providing information for class progress reports.
- In order to perform their duties, ELL paraprofessionals, who work in areas where a large proportion of students are from low-income households, must have two years of post-secondary education in child development or education or pass a written examination, according to federal guidelines. In other areas, ELL paraprofessionals may need only a high school diploma.
- In performing their duties, it's beneficial for ELL paraprofessionals to have some experience communicating with others who speak a different language or fluency in a foreign language. Patience, fondness for children, creativity and the ability to follow directions is also important for success at completing the job duties of an ELL paraprofessional.
Types of Duties