- The Tri-County Community Council helps residents in Holmes, Washington, Walton, Bay, Jackson, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa counties weatherize and make general repairs to their homes. The Weatherization Program helps homeowners make energy-efficient upgrades to around the house. Common weatherization work includes caulking, insulating attics, and weatherstripping of doors. Homeowners that qualify for weatherization services may also be eligible for the Farmers Home Preservation Grant Program. The program helps homeowners with window replacement, painting, plumbing or making accessible modifications to the home. Mobile homes are not eligible for the Farmers Home Preservation Grant Program.
- The Panama City Community Development Department provides low-cost loans to homeowners for rehabilitation work needed on their property. The Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program helps low- to moderate-income families make structural and health or safety repairs to their homes. Eligible repairs include correcting a faulty roof, plumbing problems or defective heating and cooling systems. Homeowners can receive up to $18,000 in assistance to make the repairs. During the application process, the applicant's income and household size will determine her eligibility for help.
- The Housing and Human Services Department provides home repair grants to residents who live within the unincorporated areas of Leon County. Families can get help to do major rehab to their home, or repair roofing, plumbing or electrical systems. During the application process, households in the very-low-income limit level are given a priority over applicants with higher incomes. Seniors age 60 and over, people with disabilities and families with minor children are also given a preference during the selection process. This program is owner-occupants only. Also, mobile home units are not eligible for assistance under this grant.
- The West Florida Regional Planning Council administers the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program to northwest Florida residents. SHIP has several housing assistance programs for low- to moderate-income homeowners. The Substantial Rehabilitation Program helps homeowners correct building code violations. The Moderate Rehabilitation Program helps make general repairs to the home that include roofing, plumbing or structural deficiencies. The Emergency Repair program helps correct health and safety violations. Nonprofit housing developers can apply for funding from the Replacement Housing Program. This program helps affordable housing developers with the costs of constructing replacement housing for families living in unsuitable living conditions.
Tri-County Community Council Weatherization Program
Panama City Community Development
Leon County Housing Rehabilitation Programs
West Florida Regional Planning Council