Every Small Business has the goal of increasing profits and cutting costs at the same time.
This, in fact, is the primary mission of any entrepreneur.
The Internet offers numerous ways for a marketer to accomplish this goal.
A combination of using low-cost technologies that provide a wide reach and providing valuable services is key.
Those who are taking on the task of starting a business have at their fingertips a host of resources.
Properly using these resources is a task which requires intelligence, creativity and the ability to adapt one's campaigns as they prove successful or otherwise.
Self Produce: There are technologies available which require almost no investment to use.
For instance, producing one's own podcast requires no more than a couple of moderate-quality microphones and an audio editing program.
There are audio editors available for free on the Internet.
There is no reason a new business should not be taking advantage of podcasting.
Dialogue: Get to know the customers on one's list.
This can be done by inviting customers to ask questions and by setting oneself up as an expert in the field applicable to their product.
Be available, be personable and be friendly.
Customers will remember this when it comes time for them to make a purchase! Learn New Technology: Remember that technology is always changing and evolving.
An Internet entrepreneur needs to be on top of the latest developments.
Anything having to do with mass communication should be studied to see if it can provide an advantage.
One should also make certain that one keeps abreast of any new methods of distribution that become available to those who produce content for their own sites.
Learn SEO: The best ad campaign in the world is completely useless if it's never seen.
Network with other professionals and learn how they get their sites ranked on the major search engines.
One will find that many marketers are very willing to help a new face get into the game, even if it means more competition for them! Network: Networking through technology is a given but networking via associations and other organizations is a necessity.
In the marketing world, no business is an island.
Being part of a professional organization helps to make certain that one knows about the latest developments in their field and that they are ready to take on new challenges as they manifest.
This, in fact, is the primary mission of any entrepreneur.
The Internet offers numerous ways for a marketer to accomplish this goal.
A combination of using low-cost technologies that provide a wide reach and providing valuable services is key.
Those who are taking on the task of starting a business have at their fingertips a host of resources.
Properly using these resources is a task which requires intelligence, creativity and the ability to adapt one's campaigns as they prove successful or otherwise.
Self Produce: There are technologies available which require almost no investment to use.
For instance, producing one's own podcast requires no more than a couple of moderate-quality microphones and an audio editing program.
There are audio editors available for free on the Internet.
There is no reason a new business should not be taking advantage of podcasting.
Dialogue: Get to know the customers on one's list.
This can be done by inviting customers to ask questions and by setting oneself up as an expert in the field applicable to their product.
Be available, be personable and be friendly.
Customers will remember this when it comes time for them to make a purchase! Learn New Technology: Remember that technology is always changing and evolving.
An Internet entrepreneur needs to be on top of the latest developments.
Anything having to do with mass communication should be studied to see if it can provide an advantage.
One should also make certain that one keeps abreast of any new methods of distribution that become available to those who produce content for their own sites.
Learn SEO: The best ad campaign in the world is completely useless if it's never seen.
Network with other professionals and learn how they get their sites ranked on the major search engines.
One will find that many marketers are very willing to help a new face get into the game, even if it means more competition for them! Network: Networking through technology is a given but networking via associations and other organizations is a necessity.
In the marketing world, no business is an island.
Being part of a professional organization helps to make certain that one knows about the latest developments in their field and that they are ready to take on new challenges as they manifest.