Male enhancement exercises do work for the majority of men.
Most men if they were to answer truthfully would admit they would like to have a larger penis.
It is as natural for men to want a larger member as it is for most women to want larger breasts.
We are for the most part vain creatures.
Many men want their doohickey to be longer, thicker and have the most muscular mushroomed looking penis head in the locker room.
Men also want to last longer, ejaculate further and have multiple orgasms.
And you know what guys? Many women would also like the same qualities in a man.
While it is usually not a deal breaker in a relationship some extra size and some of the aforementioned traits sure wont hurt.
So what are some common facts and misunderstandings of this greatest of male organs-the penis? First off after thousands of measurements by countless researches-drum roll please...
the average male penis measures 6.
5" in length.
Most men cant ejaculate further than six inches.
Over half of all men have a slight curvature of the penis-also know as a banana penis.
And as far as staying power goes most men cant go over three minutes without ejaculating.
While there are probably more important things to concern yourself with than the length of your member or how long you can last in bed if these things do concern you there are things you can do to help in this area.
But first how do women feel about the male penis and what is on their wish list of things they would like to see improved.
For starters most women say they would like to have their partner have a larger penis-size does matter.
And while there is some debate whether this idea has been thrust upon them - no pun intended - by outside influences the fact is that women give a resounding shout out yes when ask if a larger penis would be more satisfying.
So what else are women thinking regarding men and sex? More than 50% of women say they fake orgasms a majority of the time.
And how far down the list is sex in terms of what women like to do? Many women would rather go out with their friends than have sex.
Looks like men need to bone up - again no pun intended - on the simple techniques that are available to them to naturally increase their penis size and provide more lasting satisfaction to both themselves and their partner.
There are in fact male enhancement exercises that men can do that for most will result in quick and surprisingly effective results.
And if you think its silly to exercise your penis think how much time men spend in gyms and weight rooms working on the rest of their body.
Most men if they were to answer truthfully would admit they would like to have a larger penis.
It is as natural for men to want a larger member as it is for most women to want larger breasts.
We are for the most part vain creatures.
Many men want their doohickey to be longer, thicker and have the most muscular mushroomed looking penis head in the locker room.
Men also want to last longer, ejaculate further and have multiple orgasms.
And you know what guys? Many women would also like the same qualities in a man.
While it is usually not a deal breaker in a relationship some extra size and some of the aforementioned traits sure wont hurt.
So what are some common facts and misunderstandings of this greatest of male organs-the penis? First off after thousands of measurements by countless researches-drum roll please...
the average male penis measures 6.
5" in length.
Most men cant ejaculate further than six inches.
Over half of all men have a slight curvature of the penis-also know as a banana penis.
And as far as staying power goes most men cant go over three minutes without ejaculating.
While there are probably more important things to concern yourself with than the length of your member or how long you can last in bed if these things do concern you there are things you can do to help in this area.
But first how do women feel about the male penis and what is on their wish list of things they would like to see improved.
For starters most women say they would like to have their partner have a larger penis-size does matter.
And while there is some debate whether this idea has been thrust upon them - no pun intended - by outside influences the fact is that women give a resounding shout out yes when ask if a larger penis would be more satisfying.
So what else are women thinking regarding men and sex? More than 50% of women say they fake orgasms a majority of the time.
And how far down the list is sex in terms of what women like to do? Many women would rather go out with their friends than have sex.
Looks like men need to bone up - again no pun intended - on the simple techniques that are available to them to naturally increase their penis size and provide more lasting satisfaction to both themselves and their partner.
There are in fact male enhancement exercises that men can do that for most will result in quick and surprisingly effective results.
And if you think its silly to exercise your penis think how much time men spend in gyms and weight rooms working on the rest of their body.