- There are two plant communities in Denali. The taiga, Russian for "evergreen," covers the area up to about 2,700 feet, where trees and dense shrubs grow along rivers in valleys. Miniature wildflowers and dwarfed shrubs grow on the tundra, which is located higher in the mountains.
- There are only eight species of trees in Denali. White and black spruce are the most common. The other species are Alaska birch, balsam poplar, black cottonwood, larch, paper aspen and quaking aspen.
- Bayberry, blueberry, currant, dogwood, heath and honeysuckle are species of shrubs that grow on the taiga. Dwarf shrubs, such as rhododendrons, roses and willows, grow on the tundra.
- More than 650 species of flowering plants grow in Denali. Dwarf fireweed, forget-me-not, moss campion and mountain avens grow on the tundra. Other wildflowers in Denali are gentians, larkspurs, lupines, poppies and violets.
- Almost 100 species of grasses or grass-like plants grow in Denali, including sedges, rushes and cattails. There are approximately 20 species of ferns, as well as lichens, liverworts and mosses.
- The wildflower forget-me-not is the state flower of Alaska.
Plant Communities
Other Plants
Fun Fact