Eyesight exercise is necessary to enhance your eyesight. There are various methods and procedures that can by used for eyesight improvement. Many people do not recognize that the tension and soreness they experience in their eyes is due to the strain of their eye muscles. Just as the rest of the body needs to be rested when there is pain and tension, this attention also needs to be directed to your eyes. They too need a program of relaxing and then strengthening exercises for the eye muscles. This can be achieved through a program of eyesight exercises.
A natural way to help the eyes to relax is by palming. If you feel stressed and tense in your mind, then your eyes will also feel this strain. Palming is useful for soothing mental stress as well as your eyes, all at the same time. This procedure is straightforward, and takes about 20 minutes, but do this exercise for as long as you like until you are feeling more relaxed.
To start with, you need to rub your hands together until your hands have some warmth in them. Then put one palm over each eye, making sure that you don't touch the eyes, or use any force against them. Your eyes should not experience any pressure, just a comfortable warmth from your palms. Your elbows may rest on a table, or on your knees, or wherever it is comfortable for you.
Next, you need to focus on relaxing. Keeping your eyes shut under the palms of your hands, now gently release the tension that you have been holding onto. Start at the top of your head, and work down slowly unwind through your body to your toes. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness you will notice. At first, the colour you will see may be gray, but as your relaxation becomes deeper, this will move to deeper shades of black. You need to continue noting this black colour, as the darkest black means the deeper relaxation you are experiencing, and the greater the benefit will be both to your vision, as well as your whole body.
Whilst you are doing this, discard any worrying thoughts you are experiencing, and instead replace them with pleasant thoughts. In your mind, think of some favorite times you experience in your life. Perhaps consider a gentle stroll in a paradise like park, or a lazy day at the beach.
Once your have done this, when you open your eyes again you will notice that your vision has improved now. Lines and shapes will have a greater definition, and colors will be more vivid, and overall you will have clearer vision.
This is one eyesight exercise that will help you to improve your vision. There are others you will also find helpful. So if you can set aside some time daily on these exercises, you may find you will, over a period of time be able to dispose of your eyesight glasses.
A natural way to help the eyes to relax is by palming. If you feel stressed and tense in your mind, then your eyes will also feel this strain. Palming is useful for soothing mental stress as well as your eyes, all at the same time. This procedure is straightforward, and takes about 20 minutes, but do this exercise for as long as you like until you are feeling more relaxed.
To start with, you need to rub your hands together until your hands have some warmth in them. Then put one palm over each eye, making sure that you don't touch the eyes, or use any force against them. Your eyes should not experience any pressure, just a comfortable warmth from your palms. Your elbows may rest on a table, or on your knees, or wherever it is comfortable for you.
Next, you need to focus on relaxing. Keeping your eyes shut under the palms of your hands, now gently release the tension that you have been holding onto. Start at the top of your head, and work down slowly unwind through your body to your toes. The more relaxed you are, the darker the blackness you will notice. At first, the colour you will see may be gray, but as your relaxation becomes deeper, this will move to deeper shades of black. You need to continue noting this black colour, as the darkest black means the deeper relaxation you are experiencing, and the greater the benefit will be both to your vision, as well as your whole body.
Whilst you are doing this, discard any worrying thoughts you are experiencing, and instead replace them with pleasant thoughts. In your mind, think of some favorite times you experience in your life. Perhaps consider a gentle stroll in a paradise like park, or a lazy day at the beach.
Once your have done this, when you open your eyes again you will notice that your vision has improved now. Lines and shapes will have a greater definition, and colors will be more vivid, and overall you will have clearer vision.
This is one eyesight exercise that will help you to improve your vision. There are others you will also find helpful. So if you can set aside some time daily on these exercises, you may find you will, over a period of time be able to dispose of your eyesight glasses.