Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Get A Man To Like You All Over Again - Five Sure-fire Ways

Get a guy to like you again? Of course, it is possible. Everyone can confirm that liking doesn't know numbers. Do you remember your crush at high school? You may have forgotten him during your college years. But when your roads crossed again at a gathering, you found yourself still attracted to his laughter. Apparently, attraction is a matter of opportunity.

So if you want somebody to like you again, whether it's your ex or somebody you dated a couple of years ago, read our sure-fire ways to learn how to ignite the fire again.

Be who you are.

Since this guy already knows you, he would know if you're pretending to be nice or not. If you just intend to please him by doing something you don't really like, he might back off. Remember that men tend to use their mind, not their heart. They like women who are proud of who they are. So show the best of who you are confidently.

Let him be.

Don't hate him because he's like this or like that. Once he feels the pressure, he'll get insecure and he might stay away from your company. Acknowledge his strengths and accept his weaknesses. Boost his confidence by letting him freely express his interests and new hobbies. Men like to stick with women who have no qualms with their personality.

Don't burn the bridges.

Start a small conversation with him in person, through your phone or the Internet. When you meet along the corridor, smile and ask how's his day. If you get promoted at work, you can keep him updated with that. However, don't exaggerate things as it might seem you're pestering him. If you want to get a guy to like you again, you have to be careful with your moves.

Befriend his buddies.

To get more information about him, try to befriend his close buddies. If you get along with them well, you have more chances of being with him. If you don't, a little effort would be useful. But hey, every inch of sacrifice is every inch of information, your guide on how to relate with him effectively.

Use things that were his favorites.

During those days when he liked you, he must have told you how beautiful you were in a pink dress or how creative you were with the handmade card you gave to him. Remember and randomly do those things that impressed him before. You can even pick it as a topic of your conversation. See if the old memories start the fire again.

Being too desperate to get a guy to like you again isn't only pathetic. It makes you disappointed too if things don't go your way. Don't be too hard on yourself. Let time unfold its mystery and go with the flow. If he shows interest in you again, be happy. If he's into someone else, perhaps life has brighter things for you. With or without him, the show must go on.

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