Has to do what I believe in my heart if any of you have listenedto this podcast before or you watch the barbell shrugs podcastyou know that what I'm talking about is I follow what's in my heart I don't copybut I always believe involving and getting better what I learned isthat when I introduce and was met currents are lots a circuitin condition training nobod
y feels great there was he'll beatup the feel weak they have this lack of energy so we liketo do is strength endurance parent Durance sowe lift heavy enough we don't do circuits and was circuitsare time stop because I found that lotsa time stuff chance to I'm degradethe technique so I focus on technique sure we do timed or limit you know
limit the time but I'd like to train according to what Ihave found to work best not because I see the masses doingsomething to me that's just you know I don't want to say that is completelythe blind following the blind but if you're just copying and not I daringto do your own style of training your ownmethod which is essentially you mentioned you know gee Kudo no absorbing was useful rej
ecting whatis useless and blend in at your own I have listened to the people that wetrain and I've just been doing this for so long that I'm looking at hey this is what works and yes I see are you know some my friends are crossinggames competitors or in some the you know top coaches such as Kallis toread Brian McKenzie not everybody I'm we can't look at whatthe you know the men and women are doing itin
the regionals in the games and say that kind of programming is exactly what your I members are goingto need if you are running a CrossFit gym let me see if I answeredyour entire question here and the wo
uld you looking to start BJJcan be with the right pro right approach the strength training I'mgonna tell you what I'm the adult men that I train they areprimarily jujitsu guys they love the training we don't do allthese and was met cons and they tell me how like they're outth Blackline Elite ere I'm going to multiple matches five-minute rounds when their training Jiu Jitsu and theydon't feel tired three four five matches and they say theguys are sitting against the wall huffin andpuffin and they.
y feels great there was he'll beatup the feel weak they have this lack of energy so we liketo do is strength endurance parent Durance sowe lift heavy enough we don't do circuits and was circuitsare time stop because I found that lotsa time stuff chance to I'm degradethe technique so I focus on technique sure we do timed or limit you know
limit the time but I'd like to train according to what Ihave found to work best not because I see the masses doingsomething to me that's just you know I don't want to say that is completelythe blind following the blind but if you're just copying and not I daringto do your own style of training your ownmethod which is essentially you mentioned you know gee Kudo no absorbing was useful rej
ecting whatis useless and blend in at your own I have listened to the people that wetrain and I've just been doing this for so long that I'm looking at hey this is what works and yes I see are you know some my friends are crossinggames competitors or in some the you know top coaches such as Kallis toread Brian McKenzie not everybody I'm we can't look at whatthe you know the men and women are doing itin
the regionals in the games and say that kind of programming is exactly what your I members are goingto need if you are running a CrossFit gym let me see if I answeredyour entire question here and the wo
uld you looking to start BJJcan be with the right pro right approach the strength training I'mgonna tell you what I'm the adult men that I train they areprimarily jujitsu guys they love the training we don't do allthese and was met cons and they tell me how like they're outth Blackline Elite ere I'm going to multiple matches five-minute rounds when their training Jiu Jitsu and theydon't feel tired three four five matches and they say theguys are sitting against the wall huffin andpuffin and they.