Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Ladies Day Ideas for Church

    Proverbs 31

    • This is an excellent theme for any women's gathering at church. It is the longest description of a godly woman in Scripture, and although it speaks about a wife, young single women can use the message to prepare for their future husband. Theme titles could include "A Lovely Lady" or "Better Than Ruby" as a play on words. Encourage women to dress in red and purple, as does the woman in Proverbs 31. Decorations can include faux jewels, because the Proverbs 31 woman is worth far more than rubies, grapes for the vineyard she purchases and plants, or a variety of fabrics and sewing or knitting accessories because she makes clothes. Craft ideas could involve a sewing or cooking project.


    • The Book of Ruth is often referred to as the Bible's romance novel. Single women, wives and widows can all relate in some way to the story of a young woman who chooses to move with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to a foreign country after both of their husbands die. Ruth is wooed by a distant relative of Naomi and falls deeply in love with the man, who eventually marries her. An activity to try in conjunction with this passage is a mother-daughter bridal fashion show. The married women in the congregation can bring their wedding dresses for daughters to "model" on a runway in the sanctuary or fellowship hall.


    • The theme suggested by the story of Esther is "Becoming God's Wonder Woman." Discuss that although Esther came from a humble background as an orphan raised by her older cousin, she became the queen of her nation and saved thousands of lives by breaking the law to do what was right. Although most women will never face such extraordinary circumstances, they have the opportunity to be heroes to their friends and family, and to help save others by witnessing and sharing the biblical message of salvation. Have women attend wearing a superhero outfit, which can easily be made by wearing a towel or bed sheet as a cape.

    Mary and Martha

    • These two sister friends of Jesus provide a great example to compare how many women live compared with how they should live. Many women in attendance will agree they are like Martha: always focused on what has to get done, such as cooking and cleaning, while wondering why they can't get anyone to help them. Remind women that in the story, Jesus tells Martha not to scold Mary for shirking her chores to spend time with the Lord. Help women make "Mary time" in their lives by creating a prayer journal. These can be made quickly and inexpensively by folding typing or construction paper in half vertically and punching to holes along the folded edge to bind the pages together with string. Create a cover from card stock, cardboard or fabric, then decorate it.

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