It has been said that if you wait to drink water until you are thirsty, you are already in a dehydrated state.
Many people are chronically dehydrated without them knowing it.
In America, people are spending over $7 billion every year for drinking bottled fluids.
The benefits of drinking water are so tremendous that many advocates keep on urging people to drink plenty of it as a natural prevention for many health issues.
Do not underestimate the power of water.
Your brain is made up of 90% of it.
How about your muscles? It is made up of 75% water.
Your bone consists of 22% water while your blood is 83%.
For fuller health and vitality, water is a key ingredient.
It transports nutrients and oxygen into cells.
Your joints are protected and moisturized by it.
It protects your vital organs and help them absorb nutrients better.
It helps in metabolism, digestion, blood circulation and moisturization of the air in the lungs.
It lubricates the joints, muscles and bones.
You will less likely to develop cramps and sprains if you drink adequate water daily for proper lubrication.
Your brain will function better and prevent headaches and migraines.
With your skin well hydrated, it makes you look younger.
Drinking also regulates body temperature making you feel stronger.
It is also effective in fighting against flu and other illnesses.
Ten or more glasses a day of the highest quality of this liquid will boost your energy level.
It can also help you in losing weight.
If you drink plenty of this, it will prevent overeating.
Not all water is the same.
Alkaline, distilled, purified tap and spring water are some of the safe types you can drink and provide to your family.
Many people are chronically dehydrated without them knowing it.
In America, people are spending over $7 billion every year for drinking bottled fluids.
The benefits of drinking water are so tremendous that many advocates keep on urging people to drink plenty of it as a natural prevention for many health issues.
Do not underestimate the power of water.
Your brain is made up of 90% of it.
How about your muscles? It is made up of 75% water.
Your bone consists of 22% water while your blood is 83%.
For fuller health and vitality, water is a key ingredient.
It transports nutrients and oxygen into cells.
Your joints are protected and moisturized by it.
It protects your vital organs and help them absorb nutrients better.
It helps in metabolism, digestion, blood circulation and moisturization of the air in the lungs.
It lubricates the joints, muscles and bones.
You will less likely to develop cramps and sprains if you drink adequate water daily for proper lubrication.
Your brain will function better and prevent headaches and migraines.
With your skin well hydrated, it makes you look younger.
Drinking also regulates body temperature making you feel stronger.
It is also effective in fighting against flu and other illnesses.
Ten or more glasses a day of the highest quality of this liquid will boost your energy level.
It can also help you in losing weight.
If you drink plenty of this, it will prevent overeating.
Not all water is the same.
Alkaline, distilled, purified tap and spring water are some of the safe types you can drink and provide to your family.