The Owners of St.
Rita's Nursing Home in the town of Chalmette have been charged with Negligent Homicide following the death of 34 patients under their care.
This could be the first of many such prosecutions.
The real Question remains are the right people being charged? In the American Justice people one is innocent until proven guilty.
Hence no conclusions will be drawn about the guilt or innocence these nursing home owners until they are tried by a jury of their peers.
Should any of the elected officials of Louisiana also be charged with Negligent Homicide and tried by a jury of their peers.
Negligent homicide is the killing of a human being by criminal negligence.
According to the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan (available online at ohsep.
pdf) the Mayors of the various cities in Louisiana and the Governor of the State of Louisiana (Kathleen Blanco) had specific tasks to do prior to Hurricane Katrina.
If it can be shown that these tasks were not done properly and people that died as a result shouldn't these public officialsbe charged with Negligent homicide? The Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan apply to some Category 3 Hurricanes and all Category 4 and Category 5 Hurricanes.
This plan states "The overall strategy for dealing with a catastrophic hurricane is to evacuate as much of the at risk population as possible" talking about the New Orleans Area It further goes on to say "The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles.
School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating.
" Where were the Buses and Public Vehicles?Why weren't the people who did not have transportation evacuated on Public Buses?Shouldn't the Government officials responsible for not providing these services be charged with Negligent Homicide and tried by a jury of their peers?
Rita's Nursing Home in the town of Chalmette have been charged with Negligent Homicide following the death of 34 patients under their care.
This could be the first of many such prosecutions.
The real Question remains are the right people being charged? In the American Justice people one is innocent until proven guilty.
Hence no conclusions will be drawn about the guilt or innocence these nursing home owners until they are tried by a jury of their peers.
Should any of the elected officials of Louisiana also be charged with Negligent Homicide and tried by a jury of their peers.
Negligent homicide is the killing of a human being by criminal negligence.
According to the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan (available online at ohsep.
pdf) the Mayors of the various cities in Louisiana and the Governor of the State of Louisiana (Kathleen Blanco) had specific tasks to do prior to Hurricane Katrina.
If it can be shown that these tasks were not done properly and people that died as a result shouldn't these public officialsbe charged with Negligent homicide? The Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan apply to some Category 3 Hurricanes and all Category 4 and Category 5 Hurricanes.
This plan states "The overall strategy for dealing with a catastrophic hurricane is to evacuate as much of the at risk population as possible" talking about the New Orleans Area It further goes on to say "The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles.
School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating.
" Where were the Buses and Public Vehicles?Why weren't the people who did not have transportation evacuated on Public Buses?Shouldn't the Government officials responsible for not providing these services be charged with Negligent Homicide and tried by a jury of their peers?