Consumer Health Awareness identifies not only fat fighting foods, but also those foods that contribute greatly to weight gain. It is well known that the United States holds the record for the highest rate of obese citizens, due mostly to poor nutritional choices and over sized meal portions. Statistically speaking, over 12 million obese Americans die from preventable illnesses each year. Additionally, fatty fried foods, dairy products and high fructose corn syrup are not healthy choices for anyone, and have in fact, actually shortened life expectancy. Yet, due to a successful marketing strategy, these dangerous processed foods are also fed to children who then become obese before they reach adulthood. It's time to do away with not just fatty, sugar laden processed foods, but those labeled diet foods as well.
While many of the greasy, fatty, sugary processed foods may contribute to weight gain and ill health, so called diet foods are even more detrimental to health. And those that claim to be healthier choices are not at all what they claim to be. Several scientific studies performed on the results of eating these foods to lose weight, proved clearly that although many diet foods were sweetened with artificial sugar, this caused an increase in appetite. In addition, the chemically laden processed sugar free foods were found to be far more dangerous to health than the original product. None were found to assist in speeding up the metabolism, nor did they contribute to weight loss. On the contrary, more of the foods were eaten to satiate and weight gain increased.
Obesity is the number one cause of preventable conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and in many cases, cancer. Unfortunately, for the dieter wishing to become more health conscious, the prepackaged foods presented on the market today are no more healthier overall. This is because whatever resemblance to natural foods the product may attempt to convey, the truth is, the ingredients are full of chemicals. These in themselves may be related to autoimmune disorders such as lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, especially if consumed on a long term basis. Consumer Health Awareness makes it a mission to arm consumers with myth busting facts at. This organization believes in presenting factual statistics. Along with the tremendous amount of scientific studies performed on processed diet foods, it was discovered that most individuals who consumed these products gained weight instead of losing the extra pounds, thereby risking their health as well.
Consumer Health Awareness identifies fat fighting foods as those found in nature, such as nutrient dense, high fiber fruits, grains and vegetables. Because these foods take more energy to digest them, they also raise metabolism. These types of foods stoke the fat burning process, and although the individual is eating a lot of delicious food, he still is losing weight, increasing energy and preserving muscle tone. Additionally, fresh organic natural foods contain enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that are more readily accessed by the body. Consuming fat burning produce will eliminate the risks of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, high blood sugar and even cancer.
While many of the greasy, fatty, sugary processed foods may contribute to weight gain and ill health, so called diet foods are even more detrimental to health. And those that claim to be healthier choices are not at all what they claim to be. Several scientific studies performed on the results of eating these foods to lose weight, proved clearly that although many diet foods were sweetened with artificial sugar, this caused an increase in appetite. In addition, the chemically laden processed sugar free foods were found to be far more dangerous to health than the original product. None were found to assist in speeding up the metabolism, nor did they contribute to weight loss. On the contrary, more of the foods were eaten to satiate and weight gain increased.
Obesity is the number one cause of preventable conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and in many cases, cancer. Unfortunately, for the dieter wishing to become more health conscious, the prepackaged foods presented on the market today are no more healthier overall. This is because whatever resemblance to natural foods the product may attempt to convey, the truth is, the ingredients are full of chemicals. These in themselves may be related to autoimmune disorders such as lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, especially if consumed on a long term basis. Consumer Health Awareness makes it a mission to arm consumers with myth busting facts at. This organization believes in presenting factual statistics. Along with the tremendous amount of scientific studies performed on processed diet foods, it was discovered that most individuals who consumed these products gained weight instead of losing the extra pounds, thereby risking their health as well.
Consumer Health Awareness identifies fat fighting foods as those found in nature, such as nutrient dense, high fiber fruits, grains and vegetables. Because these foods take more energy to digest them, they also raise metabolism. These types of foods stoke the fat burning process, and although the individual is eating a lot of delicious food, he still is losing weight, increasing energy and preserving muscle tone. Additionally, fresh organic natural foods contain enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that are more readily accessed by the body. Consuming fat burning produce will eliminate the risks of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, high blood sugar and even cancer.