Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Natural Migraine Headache Relief

Here's good news.
Natural migraine headache relief is possible and safe.
More than 25 million Americans are looking for relief from migraine headaches.
And about 17 million (75%) of those suffering from migraines are women.
Causes of Migraine Headaches Approximately 6 million of the 17 million U.
women have what are called "menstrual headaches," which occur around the time of ovulation or menstruation.
Episodes may last for hours or days, often leaving the person bedridden and unable to fully function.
There are many migraine symptoms, but they almost always include recurring intense throbbing pain generally on one side of the head.
Although the causes are not fully known, they appear to be related to excess inflammation triggered by stress and hormonal imbalances.
Eating certain foods like chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, MSG or taking various medications, including birth control pills, may also trigger an episode.
Natural Migraine Headache Relief Fortunately, many sufferers have found both prevention and relief with: oA less stressful lifestyle, oModerate exercise, oHealthy dietary changes oAnd taking supplements, including natural anti-inflammatory fish oil.
Begin by finding as many ways as possible to decrease the stress in your life.
Surround yourself with supportive, fun, positive, happy people.
Consider pampering yourself some.
For instance, start getting regular massages to help reduce the migraine related muscular tension around the head, neck and shoulders.
Begin taking regular relaxing walks for a simple, moderate exercise program.
Next it's time to start improving your diet.
Maybe you think you already eat well enough.
But, no matter how well you eat, it can be better.
Here are some guidelines.
oDrink plenty of pure, clean water.
oIf you smoke, give it up.
oAvoid processed foods, sugars, excess alcohol and caffeine products.
oEat more whole grains, plenty of fresh fish and lots of colorful fruits and vegetables.
oKeep your fat consumption between 20% and 30% of total calories.
oSupplement your diet with a good quality multiple and omega 3 fish oil.
The Health Benefits of Fish Oil Supplementing your diet with omega 3 fish oil rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an excellent migraine relief strategy.
High quality omega 3 fish oil contains natural anti-inflammatory properties and balances your hormones.
This reduces your odds of getting migraines and headaches.
Clinical studies in Denmark, Sweden and the U.
showed that fish oil reduces both the frequency and severity of migraines.
Yet, researchers find at least 85% of American women have diets deficient in omega 3 fatty acids and nearly 20% are so low in EPA and DHA that testing methods are unable to detect any in their blood.
By changing to a healthier lifestyle and diet, including supplementation with high quality omega 3 fish oil, many women have totally eliminated migraines from their life.
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