- 1
Enlist the help of neighbors who want to be involved. Tell them of your plan to throw a summer block party and find out how many want to come and help. Make a list of neighbors who want to attend the block party and get names and phone numbers for all. Make a copy of the contact list for each neighbor or swap names and numbers in your cell phones. Be sure to set a date for the block party by talking to each neighbor to find out a good day and time for the event. - 2
Find out what each neighbor wants to contribute to the summer block party. Make a list of duties such as who will bring what food, who will bring what drinks, who will decorate, who will cook, who will bring food supplies and condiments...and so on. Be sure each neighbor knows their role so as to prevent duplicate items or arguing during the planning of the summer block party. Get a sure commitment from each. - 3
Plan games and fun for the kids. Find out what games the kids would like to play and have each child bring a few toys to the summer block party to share with the other children. Include a small swimming pool if it will be a hot day, a slip and slide, or even water balloons. Have games for the adults too such as horseshoes, lawn darts, volleyball, ping pong, and/or cards. Find out what neighbors can contribute what games to the summer block party event. - 4
Be prepared for rain with tarps or a cloth gazebo. Don't let rain ruin your summer block party by being unprepared. There are still fun things to do under the tarp and your food, drinks, and other supplies won't get soaked. You can even use the tarps or gazebo to shade an area for people who need to get out of the sun. This is especially nice for kids and elderly neighbors. Plus it will help to keep food that needs chilled, cooler and out of the sun such as drinks, dairy, and salads. - 5
Be sure to have enough coolers and ice for drinks and hot plates for warming food. Keeping food and drinks at the right temperature will make your summer block party even better. Nothing spoils a party like food that can't be eaten or drinks that are too warm. You can even designate a few neighbors to take care of this so that it is being watched carefully. There should always be enough plates, plastic silverware, napkins, cups, and paper towels for people at the block party as well.