Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

My Ex Girlfriend Is Dating Another Guy - 3 Things You Can" t Do If You Want Her Back

The first time that you have to hear the news that your ex girlfriend is dating another guy, it can be a terrible experience. You may feel as though you wish that you could "unhear" it, but you know that you can't actually do that. What you have to try to do is to accept the fact that yeah, there is a new guy in the picture and that sucks, but that doesn't mean that it is the end of the world. However, it can be the end of any chance you have of winning her back if you do the WRONG things once you hear that she is indeed dating someone else.

Here are three things that you CAN'T do if you want her back but she happens to be dating another guy:

1) You can't go up to her and compare yourself to this new guy.

Hate to tell you, it doesn't matter how you see yourself compared to the new guy, it matters how SHE sees him and since she is dating him right now - apparently she does like what she sees. That can be pretty hard to take, but it is just the way that it is right now and you have to deal with it without trying to compare yourself to the new guy because you will never win. Even if you really ARE better than he is.

2) You can't try to get in the middle and break them up.

It might seem like the best thing to do, to try and get in the middle of their situation and break them up, but look at what will probably happen. It probably WON'T work at all and if it does, your ex girlfriend will now see YOU as the guy that drove a wedge between her and this new guy that she liked, and that is going to make her think of you as more of an enemy than a potential lover.

3) You can't let it make you get depressed.

Getting depressed over hearing that your ex girlfriend is dating another guy is probably one of the more common ways that guys deal with this kind of news, but it's not the way to go. You are not going to win her back by getting all depressed and looking pitiful. You have to look and feel better than ever if you want her back. It's okay to get "down" about the news for a little bit, but you have to be able to brush it off.
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