Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

5 Buying Tips For Your Second Hand Treadmill

In my other article, "Insider Secrets for Buying Second-Hand Treadmills ", I discussed the general aspects of what to look for when buying this type of equipment such as;
  1. maximum weight capacity,
  2. the amount of space you have available (remember, like sofas, treadmills always look bigger once you've got them home!)
  3. the quality and ideal dimensions for the belt
In this article, I would like to cover some of the more technical aspects you should consider when considering your purchase.
  • Treadmills can come in various motor strengths.
    Professional trainers recommended that a decent 'starter' second-hand treadmill has at least a 1.
    5 horsepower.
    Better models can reach the 2.
    5 to 3.
    0 horsepower range and should be considered if finances will allow.
    To test the strength of the motor, set the treadmill to its slowest speed and plant your foot firmly on the belt.
    A good motor should not produce a groaning sound or produce any hesitation while you try to hold your foot in place.
  • Do a little research before you go to view.
    What do the review sites say about that particular make and the treadmill's robustness and reliability? A well known brand with a reputation to maintain usually makes for a better second-hand treadmill purchase.
    There are some excellent sites that sell quality second-hand professional gym equipment.
  • If buying online through a company selling ex professional gym equipment, be sure you know the difference between re manufactured and refurbished.
    Treadmills that have been re manufactured have been stripped, serviced and put back together so they are almost as good as new.
    Refurbished machines are cleaned up and any faulty parts replaced but are NOT subjected to the rigorous treatment that a re manufactured treadmill would go through.
  • Does the make and model of treadmill have all the functions you require such as a heart rate monitor, preset and customisable programmes or an adjustable incline for the ramp? Be sure of what to NEED rather than gimmicks you will not use.
    Will it provide enough variety to your work out to make it a good long term investment.
  • Safety features are also important when looking at treadmills, as they can make the difference between a few bruises or serious injury, especially if you have young children who may be around the equipment whilst you are using it at home.
    Always find a treadmill that has at the very least an emergency off switch, with emergency tethers or clips being an even better option.
A good second-hand treadmill for home use can provide an excellent way to get those all important 3-5 hours of weekly cardio vascular exercise recommended by many of the professional health organizations.
Buying wisely after some simple research means that you should get many years of use out of it and who knows, maybe even pass it on to a third generation of owner.
A good place to start now, would be to do your own research.
Honest, useful reviews of many models and brands of treadmills can be found on specialist equipment review sites throughout the internet.
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