- Many babies are afflicted with eczema, but can look forward to outgrowing it by the time they are two or three years old. Eczema is a reoccuring condition caused by an initial irritation, due to dry, extra-sensitive skin, which in turn causes itching and redness. Usually it's only agitated further when the infant scratches it, making it even more inflamed. The agitated area becomes even more sensitive to the irritants that are affecting it. The cycle then begins again.
- Treating eczema requires diligence and persistence in removing as many irritants as possible from your child's skin. Common irritants include laundry detergent, fragrant wipes, milk, sweat, harsh materials like wool, and saliva. Use sensitive, unscented baby wipes, gentle laundry detergent like Dreft (rinse twice afterwards), and keep the skin clean and well-moisturized.
- Avoid long baths and baby soaps. Use Cetaphil, a soap-free cleanser for people with sensitive skin. Use thick and nourishing moisturizers like Eucerin or Vaseline, and apply it after a bath and while the skin is still damp. Use an over-the-counter cortisone cream for breakouts and when that doesn't work, see a doctor. She will likely prescribe a corticosteroid, like Cutivate.
What is Eczema