Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Rash - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Penis discomfort as a result of inflammation, redness, discoloration and itchy skin and other rash-like symptoms can be caused by a variety of different circumstances.
Various sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause rash-like symptoms on the penis and groin area.
If a rash appears after recent sexual contact consult with your doctor.
STD'S - Various sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause rash-like symptoms on the penis and groin area.
If a rash appears after recent sexual contact consult with your doctor.
Chlamydia and herpes zoster may cause rash-like symptoms in some individuals.
Symptoms - Rash along base of penis and/or scrotum.
May be accompanied by discharge, blisters, fever, sores or a burning sensation.
Treatment - Your physician can conduct a STD screening test and prescribe medication necessary for treating any particular infection.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Allergic Reaction - A variety of plants, soaps, detergents, lotions, jewelry, fabric and latex can all elicit an allergic reaction that may result in a penis rash.
Some men are allergic to latex condoms and may decide to choose alternative materials such as sheepskin or non-latex based materials.
Symptoms - Penis itching, penis irritation, discoloration or dry penis skin or in the genital region.
Treatment - Cease contact with product or item that may have caused penile skin irritation.
If you have recently switched to a new soap or detergent switch back to a more familiar brand.
You can also use hypoallergenic products to prevent penis rashes from appearing in the future.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Infection - Impetigo is an infection caused by bacteria.
Bacteria can affect your skin via a small cut or scratch.
Scabies is a type of parasite that can infect your skin if you have been outdoors (hiking or camping).
If penis skin has been exposed to a poison oak, ivy or sumac you can expect redness and irritation.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Symptoms - Redness, swelling, honey-colored, crusty blisters or sores.
Treatment - Your physician can conduct a screening test and prescribe medication necessary for treating any particular infection.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Penis skin Problems - Acne, eczema, psoriasis or seborrhea dermatitis may cause a rash to reappear on a regular basis.
Weather (either extremely hot or extremely cold) can also cause rashes and other skin problems as a result of drying of the skin.
In some individuals skin problems, such as acne outbreaks, may be brought on by stress levels.
Symptoms - Rash like appearance, dry and flakey skin.
Reddish discoloration of the skin.
Itching, irritation and discomfort.
Treatment - For recurring rashes and other skin problems consult a general practitioner or dermatologist.
You may consider a variety of lotions or penis specific crème, like Man1, that may help minimize rashes and discomfort.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
Health practitioners recommend a penis health creme that helps many men suffering from penis skin issues.
It contains penis specific vitamins and minerals plus select moisturizers, anti-bacterial properties and vitamin e to maintain healthy penis skin and treat penis rash.
Wash genital area with clean, cool water and dry thoroughly.
Treat with penis health creme to keep area moisturized.
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