- 1). Plant the crocus in a sandy, well-drained soil in a location where it will receive full sun or light shade. A 5-10-5 formula fertilizer can be mixed into the soil before planting. Plant the crocus 5 inches deep in the soil.
- 2). Keep the soil moist but not overly damp. You can mist the plant during the warmer months. Avoid planting a crocus near annuals or other plants that require a lot of water, as too much moisture can cause rot in a crocus.
- 3). Fertilize the crocus at the beginning of the growing season with a general-use slow-releasing fertilizer. Once a year is sufficient.
- 4). In the colder months, place a layer of mulch or pine straw around the crocus. This should be removed as the weather gets warmer in later months.
- 5). When new plants appear from reseeding, dig them up carefully and replant them. Space the plants 4 to 6 inches apart; bare patches will be filled quickly when new growth appears the next year.