Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Types of Bushes, Shrubs & Plants for the North Side of a House

    Evergreen Shrubs

    • Several evergreen bushes and shrubs can tolerate a lot of shade, and are ideal cover for the north side of the house. Yews, in particular, can take near-total shade, while cedars need a bit more sunlight. Juniper bushes also work on the north side of a house, as long as they get a couple hours of sunlight a day.

    Deciduous Shrubs

    • Some species of deciduous shrubs can tolerate partial shade, so if the north side of your home gets a little sunlight, almost anything will do. For shadier situations, try hydrangeas or rhododendrons --- both plants can endure the shadows manfully.

    Perennial Flowers

    • Perennials are the best type of plant for the shaded side of a house. Some of the more prominent include rayflower, lungwort and hostas. Some wildflowers such as foamflower, bluebells and bleeding heart also thrive in the shade, and have colorful blooms to boot.

    Perennial Groundcover

    • Most groundcover plants succeed in the shadows, being naturally at home on the forest floor. Some of these, including periwinkle, dead nettle, Japanese splurge and all species of ferns are great for filling in the spaces between the larger plants growing on your home's north side.

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