Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Your Heart Loves Fiber - Some Good Dietary Tips

Want to lower the risk of heart disease? Try fiber.
Researchers from Harvard University have concluded that high total dietary fiber consumption was associated with a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease.
Plus, other studies conclude that a high fiber diet along with grains can also help prevent metabolic syndrome, which can often lead not only to heart disease, but also diabetes.
The lowering of cholesterol is one of fiber's key heart benefits.
Need to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol? Include soluble fibers in your diet such as those found in oats, citrus fruits, lentils and beans this works more effectively then a diet low in saturated fats and trans fats.
Oats are known to have the highest proportion of soluble fiber of the grains.
Studies have shown that high blood pressure can also be reduced or even prevented by the use of fiber.
One Harvard study concluded that an intake of 24 grams per day or more of fiber provided significant protection against developing high blood pressure.
In another study among people who already possessed high blood pressure it was shown that adding fiber to their diet significantly reduced systolic (the top number in the blood pressure reading) and diastolic (the bottom number in the blood pressure reading) blood pressure.
The American Dietetic Association recommends amounts of 20 to 35 grams of fiber daily.
The average American only consumes 15 grams of dietary fiber each day.
So you see the average American diet is owe-fully sort of this aspect of diet that is of extreme basic importance.
To boost your fiber consumption and to promote good heart health a fiber supplement needs to be added to your daily diet.
But not all fiber supplements are equal.
The better ones will include: Soluble Fiber:
  • Helps inhibit cholesterol production and binds with cholesterol, thus leaving less to attach to artery walls.
  • Slows the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, thus decreasing the rapid rise in blood sugars after eating, and helps improve blood glucose control.
Insoluble Fiber
  • Works as a bulking agent to speed transit time in the colon, also it helps reduce constipation, diverticulitis and the risk of colon cancer and various other intestinal diseases.
  • It Supports the growth of "good-guy" bacteria in the colon.
    The "good-guy" bacteria keeps toxin-producing "bad-guy" bacteria in check.
  • By improving satiety insoluble fiber keeps enhances weight loss.
  • Free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules, can enter our body from a variety of sources-everything from unhealthy foods and smoke to sunshine and air.
    Antioxidants in one's diet work to neutralize these cell damaging invaders.
    The fiber supplement you choose needs to be filled with some of the most potent antioxidants available: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, and more.
Herbal Advantage
  • The bioflavonoids found in certain herbs have been found to revitalize and cleanse, thus promoting overall wellness.
    A quality fiber supplement may contain up to 21 herbs, which may include oriental ginseng, garlic, and chamomile.
    All of which work together to optimize health benefits.
Enzyme Energy
  • Your diet needs to be rich in the proper amounts of correct digestive enzymes and will thus play a key role in body functioning.
    Choose a fiber supplement that provides a powerful combination of the two key enzymes which are Papain and Bromelain.
    This will help the body function more energetically and efficiently.
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