One of the unique aspects of the human race which has set us apart over the ages is our willingness to honor and to provide for our seniors. Even Neanderthals seem to have cared and provided for those older adults who could no longer sustain themselves. During the second half of the 20th century, though at least in the developed countries we achieved a level of prosperity which has largely enabled senior citizens to remain independent. In many cases, retired senior citizens have enjoyed a level of luxury which would have been unimaginable, even incomprehensible to our ancestors.
A Life of Luxury
A surprising number of well heeled senior citizens have elected to move into retirement communities which were designed and are operated to cater to their every need, desire, and whim. Across the United States, there are many such retirement villages and retirement homes, some of which are sponsored and / or operated by church organizations, offering church services, prayer times, and Bible studies on a wide variety of Christian devotional topics. Many of these communities even have multiple levels of care, beginning with independent living in a community of like minded individuals, advancing to assisted living, and eventually to clinical care, as their needs change.
Finding New Purpose
In many cases, Christian seniors have seen fit to spend a portion of their time and resources for mission projects, which have blessed the impoverished, the handicapped, and others whose lot in life is less pleasant. By participating in such benevolent activities, many seniors who might otherwise have felt useless have found new purpose in life. Some have even reported that they finally after a lifetime of self focused labor have a sense of a higher purpose, and of true achievement.
For those seniors who were not quite so fortunate, government sponsored programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Food Stamps have made it possible for many retired seniors to at least manage a subsistence level of independent living. There is no doubt that these benefits and privileges have been a great blessing to many people. Even the government programs are in place, at least in part, because of the influence of godly people. We can rightly take pride in the influence which the church has wielded to improve the lives of those who cant provide for themselves.
Multi-Generational Homes Used to Be the Norm
There is another side, though, to this story. Down through human history, multi-generational living has been the norm, with families adding a room or two as needed in order to accommodate growing families. (Have you heard the term, Mother in Law Suite?) Seniors who could no longer handle the rigors of manual labor were accommodated, and their presence in the home with their children and grandchildren was a blessing in its own way. Their experience, wisdom, and spiritual maturity blessed and guided families in ways that extend far beyond the value of earning power and physical labor.
With seniors in the home, the standards of faith and family values were reinforced and stabilized. Such values guided and shaped society, providing the children with role models, and at the same time giving parents an opportunity to get away occasionally without the cost and disruption of paid child care.
Thats right! Even if Grandma cant do the strenuous housework, she can many times assist with childcare. Grandpa, too! It seems that the prosperity of the late 20th and early 21st centuries has largely swept such blessings from modern homes.
The Cost of Independence
Our society has come to expect that seniors will remain independent. Young people often move far from their parents, so that there is little interaction. When situations arise in which the older generation might have been able to help, they are too far away. Even if the younger generation remains in the same community, families with children rarely share space with grandparents. In fact, in many cases, such an arrangement would be considered unusual, even abnormal.
The worldwide financial difficulties of this decade may force us, as a society, to reevaluate these concepts. This experience, although painful, offers a unique opportunity for the church to lead the way to renewed family values. It may not be feasible for every church to support elder-care facilities, but it is certainly reasonable and achievable for us to promote responsible blending of multi-generational families. In fact, this may be exactly what God intends that we do.
A Biblical Perspective
Does this sound a bit radical to you? Consider the words of our Lord, concerning how senior citizens should be treated by their families. (This text is from the Good News Bible, because it seems to offer the greatest clarity on this particular issue.)
But you teach that if people have something they could use to help their father or mother, but say, 'This belongs to God,' they do not need to honor their father. In this way you disregard God's command, in order to follow your own teaching. You hypocrites! - Matthew 15:5-7(a) Good News Bible
Ouch! Was that a bit too close for comfort? Think and pray about it. Are we, the Church, willing to accept Gods direction, even when it differs from prevailing practices of our society? Is He calling His Church, during the present fiscal crisis, to lead in restoring the Home to its former level of inter-generational love, interaction, and mutual cooperation?
A Life of Luxury
A surprising number of well heeled senior citizens have elected to move into retirement communities which were designed and are operated to cater to their every need, desire, and whim. Across the United States, there are many such retirement villages and retirement homes, some of which are sponsored and / or operated by church organizations, offering church services, prayer times, and Bible studies on a wide variety of Christian devotional topics. Many of these communities even have multiple levels of care, beginning with independent living in a community of like minded individuals, advancing to assisted living, and eventually to clinical care, as their needs change.
Finding New Purpose
In many cases, Christian seniors have seen fit to spend a portion of their time and resources for mission projects, which have blessed the impoverished, the handicapped, and others whose lot in life is less pleasant. By participating in such benevolent activities, many seniors who might otherwise have felt useless have found new purpose in life. Some have even reported that they finally after a lifetime of self focused labor have a sense of a higher purpose, and of true achievement.
For those seniors who were not quite so fortunate, government sponsored programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Food Stamps have made it possible for many retired seniors to at least manage a subsistence level of independent living. There is no doubt that these benefits and privileges have been a great blessing to many people. Even the government programs are in place, at least in part, because of the influence of godly people. We can rightly take pride in the influence which the church has wielded to improve the lives of those who cant provide for themselves.
Multi-Generational Homes Used to Be the Norm
There is another side, though, to this story. Down through human history, multi-generational living has been the norm, with families adding a room or two as needed in order to accommodate growing families. (Have you heard the term, Mother in Law Suite?) Seniors who could no longer handle the rigors of manual labor were accommodated, and their presence in the home with their children and grandchildren was a blessing in its own way. Their experience, wisdom, and spiritual maturity blessed and guided families in ways that extend far beyond the value of earning power and physical labor.
With seniors in the home, the standards of faith and family values were reinforced and stabilized. Such values guided and shaped society, providing the children with role models, and at the same time giving parents an opportunity to get away occasionally without the cost and disruption of paid child care.
Thats right! Even if Grandma cant do the strenuous housework, she can many times assist with childcare. Grandpa, too! It seems that the prosperity of the late 20th and early 21st centuries has largely swept such blessings from modern homes.
The Cost of Independence
Our society has come to expect that seniors will remain independent. Young people often move far from their parents, so that there is little interaction. When situations arise in which the older generation might have been able to help, they are too far away. Even if the younger generation remains in the same community, families with children rarely share space with grandparents. In fact, in many cases, such an arrangement would be considered unusual, even abnormal.
The worldwide financial difficulties of this decade may force us, as a society, to reevaluate these concepts. This experience, although painful, offers a unique opportunity for the church to lead the way to renewed family values. It may not be feasible for every church to support elder-care facilities, but it is certainly reasonable and achievable for us to promote responsible blending of multi-generational families. In fact, this may be exactly what God intends that we do.
A Biblical Perspective
Does this sound a bit radical to you? Consider the words of our Lord, concerning how senior citizens should be treated by their families. (This text is from the Good News Bible, because it seems to offer the greatest clarity on this particular issue.)
But you teach that if people have something they could use to help their father or mother, but say, 'This belongs to God,' they do not need to honor their father. In this way you disregard God's command, in order to follow your own teaching. You hypocrites! - Matthew 15:5-7(a) Good News Bible
Ouch! Was that a bit too close for comfort? Think and pray about it. Are we, the Church, willing to accept Gods direction, even when it differs from prevailing practices of our society? Is He calling His Church, during the present fiscal crisis, to lead in restoring the Home to its former level of inter-generational love, interaction, and mutual cooperation?