Home & Garden Do It Yourself

The Top Five Ways to Get off the Grid and Power your Home with Free Energy

With the price of electricity getting more and more expensive these days, most people are trying to lover their bills by using electrical equipments as little as possible. Of course, this usually means that most activities and chores would have to be dealt with manually which can be very tiring and difficult for most people. Hence, it is not surprising that most dream of getting off the grid home energy in order to save expenses while still enjoying the luxuries of modern life.

Luckily, with a bit of effort from people, home generated energy is now completely possible. Following are the top ways this can be done.

Wind Turbines
Although the sun is not always felt in some locations, wind is definitely present in all of them. Hence, wind turbines are at the top of the list when it comes to possible off the grid home energy sources. Being already recognized in most places, the possibility of setting it up is also made easier thanks to wind energy kits sold in the market. One drawback of the wind energy though is that it may take up a lot of space, especially for those who want to generate large quantities of energy. However, smaller models are usually good enough to fit in town residences.

Solar Power
For people who live in locations where the sun shines for most of the years, solar power is a very good way for generating energy. The great thing about this option is that there are already kits being sold in the market that contains everything one needs to set up their very own solar energy generator. Although the option is not available for everyone, in terms of accessibility, solar energy is the second best way to get off the grid home energy.

Hydro Energy
Compared to solar and wind energy, the power of water is definitely much better. It has been estimated that hydro energy performs ten times better than both solar and wind. However, the one drawback of this feature is that it usually uses a body of running water to generate electricity. Since not all people have access to streams or waterfalls, not everyone can make use of this option. Of course, for those who do have the chance to harness energy through water, this could be their best off the grid home energy source.

Physical Work
By simply attaching various devices on a treadmill or a bike, everyone can start making energy of their own. It basically follows the concept of how wind and water energy is made: making a turbine move as fast as possible to power a generator. Of course, the amount of energy created is nowhere near the previously mentioned three, but it's definitely a start.

Bio Waste
Recent developments in technology have made it possible to generate energy through bio waste. However, the method is not that home friendly to be adapted by individuals.

Producing off the grid home energy is entirely possible although it would take some effort on a person's part. Additionally, energy like this is usually not enough to power a whole house 24/7. However, making the effort and producing just a small quantity would go a long way in saving money as well as protecting the environment.

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