Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Fertility Through IUI

Your fertility is sometimes not in the best of shapes.
It happens.
Sometimes you and your partner try and try but you can't get there.
That magic positive pregnancy test result is just out of reach.
If your fertility is just not as good as you want it to be, you want to look into artificial insemination, specifically and intrauterine insemination.
An intrauterine insemination or IUI is a procedure that helps out your chances of getting pregnant.
As you can probably guess from the word intrauterine, the process involves taking sperm directly into the woman's uterus.
This is done for a number of reasons but usually these reasons involve an incapability of the male sperm to reach the uterus naturally.
This can be due to low sperm counts, unhealthy sperm that can't make the long trip to the uterus, or other male inabilities to perform intercourse.
Sometimes the woman's organs just make it hard for the sperm to survive their journey so they have to be bypassed for the sperm to have a chance to fertilize the woman's egg.
If you or your partner suffers from these conditions and problems, you may be a prime candidate for the procedure.
Just remember to be sure.
This procedure will not favor some situations and can be a waste of time, money, and emotional capital if done under a faulty diagnosis.
If you want to go into an intrauterine insemination, you will usually have to be examined first.
Both man and woman have to be evaluated for candidacy for the treatment.
Women have to have the ability to produce eggs and have a healthy pregnancy.
Men have to meet some requirements concerning their sperm, usually concerning count and quality.
If the woman is found to have difficulty producing her eggs, she may be given treatment to help her ovulate.
Timing is very important in this process because it is attempting to make the sperm and eggs meet at the right time to fertilize.
If ovulation is imminent, the male sperm is collected and processed.
This processing or "washing" is essential to prevent unwanted chemicals and unhealthy sperm from entering the uterus.
However, this reduces the total number of sperm so it becomes essential that the man reached the minimum requirements during the initial examinations.
The sperm is inserted through a catheter, a long tube-like device that goes into the woman's uterus through the vaginal opening.
This is often very quick, not lasting more than 30 minutes, and often painless, with any pain usually resulting from factors more related to ovulation than the procedure.
Some care must be taken when going through this procedure, especially concerning medications for ovulation.
Often these medications cause multiple pregnancies and these can lead to problems with your children's health and even miscarriages.
If only male factors are considered, studies have shown that fertility meds have marginal effects in pregnancy rates so you may opt to avoid them in such cases.
Speaking of pregnancy rates, the intrauterine procedure will usually result in a successful pregnancy 15%-20% of the time per cycle.
This may not seem large but consider the fact that natural intercourse results in a successful pregnancy around 25% of the time as well as candidates for intrauterine insemination are usually reproductively challenged.
However, this percentage is largely affected by sperm quality and count as well as the woman's egg quality.
You might be tempted to compare these numbers to those offered by IVF (in vitro fertilization) that reaches 40% and above per cycle.
Before you do, though, consider the comparison between the two procedure's costs.
IVF will require you to shell out about $12,000 per cycle while IUI can be as low as $300 per cycle.
This means that it will be easier for you to go for multiple cycles and stack your chances of getting pregnant.
Be clear with the clinic's rates though.
Sometimes other charges are added like those for extra medications and examinations.
Going intrauterine may really be the help your fertility needs to get the ball rolling.
Get examined and evaluated and you may find that starting your own family is still not that far out of reach.
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