- 1). Install the wireless webcam onto your computer and ensure that all the drivers are in place. Without the drivers working, the webcam won't work. Make sure that the webcam you have purchased is compatible with the operating system on your computer. If you're running an older computer, the new webcams may not be able to work on them.
- 2). Install the software of choice for turning your webcam into a security camera. Make sure that it is stored away in its own folder to prevent the computer from getting cluttered down if you ever decide to remove it. By giving it its own folder, it keeps the files all together.
- 3). Turn the software on. Now that the software is on, you have the ability to decide what sort of system you want. Depending on the webcam you bought, you can set it up so that the camera turns on when there is motion, or you can have it constantly recording. It is important that you make sure that the software records what the camera sees rather than just observing it. Recording it will make a file and copy it to your hard drive.
- 4). Take the wireless camera and put it in an inconspicuous place. You don't want to cover the lens of the camera, but at the same time, if you're trying to keep it hidden so someone doesn't see it, it needs to be inconspicuous. The best way to hide it is to put it on an angle. For example, putting it behind a book, but aiming diagonal to the book. This way, it is hidden from most views, but you still get information.
Turning the Webcam into a Security Camera