In recent times the Internet has been overtaken by a new phenomenon known as social networking.
One leading site born as a result of this boom is known as Myspace, which already has huge traffic and millions of members.
Myspace is so successful in fact that it is currently considered the leading online community.
It is not hard to understand why Myspace has done so well when you consider what the site enables members to do all totally free.
As well as making friends with other people, members of Myspace can create and customise their own Myspace layout and profile page, proudly listing all of their hobbies and interests, their favourite pictures and music.
Myspace members can even write a blog and list details of and invite people to their events.
Keen Myspace members take great pride in decorating their page with the latest themes this normally reflects their own personality and interests.
In fact having a hot layout can really add kudos to a Myspace page, which in turn will attract friend requests and lots of visitors who will post comments.
These days the possibilities for having a great Myspace layout is endless, you can get pre-made free layouts for your page themed with your favourite celebrity, musician, singer or footballer.
In fact I have seen themes that even reflect peoples ethnicity I have even seen really nice Asian Myspace layouts.
The process of adding your Myspace layout is actually quite simple once you know how to do it.
However for newcomers to the Myspace site especially those who consider themselves computer illiterate, learning how to add and set up your own Myspace layout can be an extremely daunting prospect.
To summarise the process is just a matter of pasting some html layout code into the correct place on your site settings.
I can imagine that some of you reading this are already feeling a little anxious at the mention of html but don't worry the process is really easy.
In fact I am going to walk you through the process step by step.
Choose your Myspace layout - There are thousands of sites that offer free Myspace layouts.
A simple search the term 'Myspace layouts' on Google will display millions of results.
Visit a few of the sites listed and you will be able to look and choose from dozens of categories covering thousands of topics and themes.
How to install you chosen layout - Once you have selected a theme you will be taken to a page with a box containing the 'html code' for your chosen layout.
Copy this code by highlighting it and then either by pressing 'Ctrl + C' on your keyboard or by right clicking on your mouse and selecting 'Copy'.
The next step is to login to your Myspace account.
Once logged in click on the 'Edit Profile' option.
Once there paste the copied code inside the 'About Me' text box by pressing 'Ctrl + V' on your keyboard.
The next step is to click the 'Save All Changes' option at the top of the page, then click the 'View My Profile' link and check out your shiny new layout.
That's it you've completed the process.
I hope this has helped you get started.
For more help with getting the most from your Myspace page please feel free to visit my site.
One leading site born as a result of this boom is known as Myspace, which already has huge traffic and millions of members.
Myspace is so successful in fact that it is currently considered the leading online community.
It is not hard to understand why Myspace has done so well when you consider what the site enables members to do all totally free.
As well as making friends with other people, members of Myspace can create and customise their own Myspace layout and profile page, proudly listing all of their hobbies and interests, their favourite pictures and music.
Myspace members can even write a blog and list details of and invite people to their events.
Keen Myspace members take great pride in decorating their page with the latest themes this normally reflects their own personality and interests.
In fact having a hot layout can really add kudos to a Myspace page, which in turn will attract friend requests and lots of visitors who will post comments.
These days the possibilities for having a great Myspace layout is endless, you can get pre-made free layouts for your page themed with your favourite celebrity, musician, singer or footballer.
In fact I have seen themes that even reflect peoples ethnicity I have even seen really nice Asian Myspace layouts.
The process of adding your Myspace layout is actually quite simple once you know how to do it.
However for newcomers to the Myspace site especially those who consider themselves computer illiterate, learning how to add and set up your own Myspace layout can be an extremely daunting prospect.
To summarise the process is just a matter of pasting some html layout code into the correct place on your site settings.
I can imagine that some of you reading this are already feeling a little anxious at the mention of html but don't worry the process is really easy.
In fact I am going to walk you through the process step by step.
Choose your Myspace layout - There are thousands of sites that offer free Myspace layouts.
A simple search the term 'Myspace layouts' on Google will display millions of results.
Visit a few of the sites listed and you will be able to look and choose from dozens of categories covering thousands of topics and themes.
How to install you chosen layout - Once you have selected a theme you will be taken to a page with a box containing the 'html code' for your chosen layout.
Copy this code by highlighting it and then either by pressing 'Ctrl + C' on your keyboard or by right clicking on your mouse and selecting 'Copy'.
The next step is to login to your Myspace account.
Once logged in click on the 'Edit Profile' option.
Once there paste the copied code inside the 'About Me' text box by pressing 'Ctrl + V' on your keyboard.
The next step is to click the 'Save All Changes' option at the top of the page, then click the 'View My Profile' link and check out your shiny new layout.
That's it you've completed the process.
I hope this has helped you get started.
For more help with getting the most from your Myspace page please feel free to visit my site.