- 1). Choose your organic seeds. Health food stores usually have organic seeds grown without pesticides. Easy sprouters are beans, alfalfa and broccoli.
- 2). Pour a half-cup of organic seeds in a strainer. Place the strainer under warm running water and rinse the seeds until the water from the strainer runs clear.
- 3). Fill a large bowl with warm water and add the rinsed organic seeds. Allow the organic seeds to soak in the bowl of water overnight. The organic seeds should swell by morning.
- 4). Separate the organic seeds from the water the next morning. Simply pour the contents of the bowl into a strainer to remove the water.
- 5). Spread the organic seeds out on aluminum pie pans. Use as many aluminum pie pans as necessary.
Place a piece of cheesecloth over top of each pan and secure it with a rubber band. Move the pans to a dark area. - 6). Lift the cheesecloth daily to check for sprouts. Mist the organic seeds with a spray bottle of water daily. Moist organic seeds will sprout within one or two days. However, some organic seeds can take as much as a week to germinate.
- 7). Remove the organic seeds from the pans once they have sprouted. Once again, place them in a strainer, and rinse.
- 8). Cover a baking tray with a layer of paper towels and lay the sprouts out to dry. Allow the sprouts to remain on the paper towels until completely dry; this can take a day or two.
- 9). Store the sprouts in airtight, plastic containers. Sprouts will keep in the refrigerator for up to five days, after which you must discard them.