- 1). Equip your parakeet hatchlings cage with food and water bowls. It's important to replenish the water for your parakeet daily and keep their food and water containers clean. Depending on how many hatchlings you have, you might need to refill their water bowl several times a day.
- 2). Feed your parakeet hatchlings a mixture of hard boiled eggs, hulled oats and cooked and mashed veggies. Place the mixture in a small bowl on the cage floor for the hatchlings to eat at leisure. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also recommended. If eggs are not available, you can substitute dry dog food.
- 3). Avoid certain foods that are toxic and poisonous. Some common ones to avoid are chocolate, avocados, apple seeds, fruit pits, salt, onions, tomato leaves and rhubarb. As the hatchlings become full grown (6 to 8 weeks old), you may start feeding them parakeet seeds or pellets. Fruit and vegetables are always good options too.