Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Problems pregnancy

A pregnant woman should have awareness for 9 Ordinary Pregnancy Problems, which are:

1. Gaining Weight. Increasing in weight is natural when women are pregnant. Every woman experiences this problem. The cause of this problem is the increased blood circulation, inside the body.

2. Experiencing some cold and cough. This is the most general problem, which is faced by many pregnant women. The reason for this problem is the weakening of women immune system, when they are pregnant. On the other hand, in case of serious cold and cough, it is important to be certain about the safety of the fetus. This is because; constant cough can lead to the miscarriage.

3. Increase in Blood Pressure (BP). When women are pregnant, they mostly suffer from high blood pressure. High blood is a significant rise of blood pressure in blood veins, particularly in arteries. Those women who experience high blood pressure are in risk of having Pre-Eclampsia, which may have a severe effects on their internal organs, like blood vessels, liver and kidney. Therefore, it is necessary to control high blood pressure, before it becomes worse.

4. High temperature, fever. Pregnant women often suffer from fever in their early pregnancy. Mild temperature is natural and nothing serious in early periods, but a sever fever can be very fatal and can lead to the critical situations like death.

5. Pain in Back. Having pain in a back is also possible during pregnancy and the result of this can be discomfort, inflexibility and deadness of the back. This is because of the production of various hormones, including a hormone known as Relaxin. This hormone is responsible for making ligaments and pelvis soft, to make sure that a baby can easily move out through the pelvis.

6.Development of Diabetes. It happens very often that some women develop the diabetes problem during pregnancy. In this situation, high amount of sugar is created in the blood, which is only released when the baby is born. Therefore, it is important for those pregnant women who have gestational diabetes, to, annually, check their blood sugar matter.

7. Itching in Skin. Another early pregnancy problem is, itching in the skin. Most pregnant women complained about tickling skin, particularly in the area near breasts and abdomen. The general reason for this problem is related to hormones. When a woman gets pregnant, her abdomen skin start expanding, which causes prickliness and dryness in that area. Therefore, take very good care of skin, during pregnancy.

8. Swelling of body part. Swelling of body parts can occur after pregnancy. In this situation, parts of body, like feet, face, etc, start to swell quickly. A reason for this can be excessive ingestion of liquid during pregnancy. It can be avoided if a pregnant woman drinks less water.

9. Sleeping Problem. Some women have difficulty in sleeping during pregnancy. This can be, because of shortage of appropriate exercises and diet. A solution for this problem is to perform exercise regularly and take proper nutrition. Also, make certain, to avoid all types of stress, take constant breaks and sleep on a regular basis.

If you are able to follow these tips properly then there will be a high chance that you can avoid or defeat any pregnancy problem.

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