- 1). Scare away flocks of chimney swifts by yelling loudly and swinging your arms wildly. Another idea is to invest in a propane cannon that emits a sound as loud as the blast of a shotgun. These are available at hardware and home supply stores.
- 2). Purchase bird spikes and place them on areas where the chimney swifts build nests or roost. They deter the bird with long strips of wire that stick out from your gutters or other areas around your home.
- 3). Tape strips of aluminum foil in areas where the chimney swifts congregate. The strips reflect light as they sway in the wind and scare the birds away.
- 4). Adopt a cat or two to keep outdoors. They are a natural predator to chimney swifts and other birds, and discourage them from inhabiting areas around your home.
- 5). Purchase a bird trap. Once the chimney swift is captured, put on a pair of sturdy work gloves and place the trap in your automobile trunk. Transport the trap out into the country or a few miles away from your home. Release the bird once you reach your destination.