Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Thrush Symptoms

Thrush is an infection caused by an overgrowth of candida, a yeast type of fungus found on the mucous membranes (the moist, pink part of the skin usually found inside your cheek, vagina and anus).
Once the mucous membrane is infected with candida, the membrane will look speckled with small white spots standing on a dark background.
This is one of the obvious common thrush symptoms that you will notice.
Like most healthy people do, we probably carry a small amount of Candida in our mouth, digestive tract, vagina and even on some parts of our skin.
We are usually unaware of its existence in our body because it didn't normally do us harm.
Only when it is out of control that it causes problems.
Some other most common thrush symptoms on women are: • Discharge - Vaginal discharge that most women described it as white, thick, cheesy and sticky.
It has a strong smell of yeast.
• Itching and burning - most common thrush symptoms that one can feel are itchiness and burning sensation.
• Redness, soreness and pain - tissues around the genital part are extremely delicate and sensitive, having a fungal infection in this area makes it reddish, swollen and noticeably sore causing discomfort during sexual intercourse, pain and/or discomfort during urination as well as discomfort in sitting and walking.
• Vaginal Fissuring - cracks are visible and noticeable that cause severe inflammation • Satellite Lesions - it may rarely occur; these are the sores in and around the genital area.
There are two types of conditions the doctor may refer on his diagnostic: 1.
The uncomplicated - this is the mild, first-time occurrence of thrush where you had it very often.
The complicated - this is the severe thrush, and it keeps coming back four or more times a year.
WHO GETS THRUSH? Women have the highest recorded thrush infection, commonly on their thirties and forties.
Pregnant women are also a prone victim of thrush, and those who suffer from medical conditions that cause the imbalance of the body's immune system increase the likelihood of occurring thrush problems.
The following is some of the causes of thrush on women: • Wearing close-fitting clothing - women are likely fond of wearing this kind of clothing prevents natural ventilation • Taking antibiotics - this kind of medicine kills not just bad bacteria but also some of the good bacteria of the body which causes imbalance.
• Using products that irritate the vagina such as douches or bubble bath • Chemotherapy Knowing some of the thrush symptoms doesn't mean that you can diagnose yourself already.
It is better to seek your doctor's advice and conduct an ordinary test to confirm the diagnosis.
It is just a very simple painless procedure, done in the surgery, and involves using a cotton swab to take a sample of cells from the genitals.
However, there are natural alternative remedies that you can opt to choose.
Being aware of the most common thrush symptoms could somehow eliminate some of the occurring problems that may persist in the future and by educating ourselves, we can easily prevent it to happen to us and our loved ones.
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