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Thoughts on Illegal Immigration

I, for one, will not let liberals/progressives have their way with the English language.
Illegal means not legal, against the law, criminal.
It does not mean undocumented.
It does not mean guest.
It does not mean political asylum.
It does not mean racist.
Neither will I let them have their way with the debate on immigration.
If illegals only do jobs Americans won't do, why haven't we devised a streamlined way of allowing them into the country without giving them citizenship? If we need them so badly, why hasn't Congress come up with an easy way to give them permission to come in to work and live and send their money back home? In my area I see illegals doing carpentry and roofing.
I was under the impression that carpentry was a job Americans are willing to do because it pays well.
It is a craft.
It's often a union job.
Why don't the unions fight this? Possibly because there aren't enough American carpenters? Roofing is hot, dirty, difficult and dangerous; I think it used to pay fairly well.
Young Americans used to do it in the summer to pay for college.
Unions believe that making all these immigrants legal will lead to union membership and union dues.
If there were no illegal immigrants, businesses would have to pay wages that Americans would work for.
There is no need to give them citizenship along with a job.
Let them work here legally - and pay taxes legally.
Taxes are one of the problems.
The businesses and individuals that hire illegal immigrants don't want to pay taxes.
Hiring an immigrant would then cost almost as much as hiring an American.
Plus there's the paperwork nightmare (another cost).
Why, it might be just as cost effective to hire an American.
And less money for the immigrant to send home.
Neither is there any reason to give them free health care and education.
Americans who work pay taxes (Medicare and Medicaid) and insurance (company and personal) for health care.
We pay taxes (property and income) for education.
In fact, we pay for our own and for Americans who are out of work.
It has been said that illegals don't pay for these things with taxes, but they don't use them as often.
According to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) entitled The High Cost of Cheap Labor:Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget, in 2002, illegal immigrants used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes.
That's only one report of many.
In the states where there are the most illegals, they are swamping the health care and education systems.
Illegals are part of the reason emergency rooms are closing all around the country.
They know they cannot be turned away; they know how to use the system.
The illegals' money flows out of America to other countries.
I don't know if most of them want to become citizens.
In the rallies over the last couple of years, before they realized their mistake, I saw illegals waving flags from their home countries.
I think they want to live and work here, but not be subject to our laws.
Why should they be allowed to vote here? That way they can vote in the politicians who promise them status quo.
The politicians end up with a huge, poorly educated base, easily swayed by political promises and handouts.
A base that knows nothing about the Constitution, and certainly doesn't care about the rule of law.
They're proud illegals.
We do not need to reward those who come here illegally.
We need to get control of our borders and deport illegals we find here.
If we need them badly, then we also need to put in place an easier way for them to come and work here legally - and pay taxes.
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