Physical therapy is a common treatment for people with back pain and injuries, but it is important to recognize that physical therapy is comprised of many different treatment methods.
The right treatment must be instituted at the correct time for the patient to provide the best results.
In the beginning stages of treatment for back pain and injury, the primary problems tend to be inflammation, muscle spasm, and reduced mobility.
The first step in treatment should be directed at reducing inflammation and spasm.
Proceeding too quickly to treatments that increase mobility and/or are intended to increase muscle strength and endurance can often drastically increase inflammation and spasm and can greatly delay recovery.
Treatments such as electrical stimulation and cold packs are often the first measures used to begin to control inflammation and spasm.
These therapies are often more effective than medication in reducing the patient's symptoms.
Cold packs can be especially helpful when prescribed to the patient for home use to supplement in-office treatment, as the frequent application of cold therapy is the most effective means of reducing inflammation available.
During the initial stages of treatment when symptoms are at their worst, applying a cold pack for 10 to 15 minutes at a time up to every two hours can bring inflammation down faster than even the most powerful anti-inflammatory drug.
Once symptoms have decreased and the inflammation and spasm have subsided, treatments like massage and ultrasound may be helpful in alleviating soft tissue contraction and in improving circulation to damaged tissue to help with healing.
At this stage, the severe pain is gone and the patient is primarily experiencing soreness and stiffness.
As the soreness improves, stretching and mobilization can be gradually introduced to improve flexibility and mobility.
It is important to get the patient as close as possible to normal mobility before transitioning to strengthening exercises in order to prevent reinforcing abnormal movement patterns.
Muscular strengthening and postural correction exercises can be introduced once mobility has returned to normal.
In the case of back pain and injuries, poor posture and lack of muscle conditioning often contributed to the original injury or pain.
It is especially important to re-condition the abdominal muscles and the muscles along the back of the spine to provide their normal postural support.
Because it is necessary for the patient to continue the exercises on their own after being released from the physical therapist's care in order to maintain the benefits, it is important that the therapist include exercises that do not require special equipment.
Rehabilitation machines can be very helpful during the patient's treatment program, but they should not be the only type of exercise provided to the patient.
With proper treatment and direction from a skilled physical therapist, most back pain patients can resolve their conditions and can prevent them from returning through appropriate ongoing self-care measures prescribed by the therapist.
The right treatment must be instituted at the correct time for the patient to provide the best results.
In the beginning stages of treatment for back pain and injury, the primary problems tend to be inflammation, muscle spasm, and reduced mobility.
The first step in treatment should be directed at reducing inflammation and spasm.
Proceeding too quickly to treatments that increase mobility and/or are intended to increase muscle strength and endurance can often drastically increase inflammation and spasm and can greatly delay recovery.
Treatments such as electrical stimulation and cold packs are often the first measures used to begin to control inflammation and spasm.
These therapies are often more effective than medication in reducing the patient's symptoms.
Cold packs can be especially helpful when prescribed to the patient for home use to supplement in-office treatment, as the frequent application of cold therapy is the most effective means of reducing inflammation available.
During the initial stages of treatment when symptoms are at their worst, applying a cold pack for 10 to 15 minutes at a time up to every two hours can bring inflammation down faster than even the most powerful anti-inflammatory drug.
Once symptoms have decreased and the inflammation and spasm have subsided, treatments like massage and ultrasound may be helpful in alleviating soft tissue contraction and in improving circulation to damaged tissue to help with healing.
At this stage, the severe pain is gone and the patient is primarily experiencing soreness and stiffness.
As the soreness improves, stretching and mobilization can be gradually introduced to improve flexibility and mobility.
It is important to get the patient as close as possible to normal mobility before transitioning to strengthening exercises in order to prevent reinforcing abnormal movement patterns.
Muscular strengthening and postural correction exercises can be introduced once mobility has returned to normal.
In the case of back pain and injuries, poor posture and lack of muscle conditioning often contributed to the original injury or pain.
It is especially important to re-condition the abdominal muscles and the muscles along the back of the spine to provide their normal postural support.
Because it is necessary for the patient to continue the exercises on their own after being released from the physical therapist's care in order to maintain the benefits, it is important that the therapist include exercises that do not require special equipment.
Rehabilitation machines can be very helpful during the patient's treatment program, but they should not be the only type of exercise provided to the patient.
With proper treatment and direction from a skilled physical therapist, most back pain patients can resolve their conditions and can prevent them from returning through appropriate ongoing self-care measures prescribed by the therapist.