Health & Medical Nutrition

The Top of the list of anti-cancer Food Items

Worried about having cancer? You have nothing to fear anymore. There are certain vitamins food items and supplements which can help prevent cancer and other ailments. This is a burning topic which raises many questions in the minds of the consumers as well as the health care and research communities. This topic no doubt creates conflicts in our minds and perplexes most of us but we are not alone as new studies are coming up every day.

Cancer can have various causes. It is not a single disease. So, it is obvious that we cannot protect ourselves from all the different types of cancer by having one nutrient in our diet in abundance. One should have an overall healthy lifestyle. By not smoking, abstaining one from alcohol, restricting oneself from pollutants, avoiding food additives, good nutrition, regularly exercising and controlling stress can however lower the odds of having cancer. But nothing can give full guarantee that a person will remain cancer free.

Food should always be fresh natural and as minimally processed as possible. a proper selection of vegetables and fruits that includes all types of berries, leafy vegetables, kiwifruit etc,fish,organic or free range chicken,,legumes,and al types of nuts, sweet potatoes. Whole grains, pulses etc.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli lie on the top of the list of anti cancer supplement food items. It has an antioxidant that helps the liver break down the cancer causing toxins. So it is advisable to eat broccoli daily but try not to boil it as boiling will reduce the nutritional value of the broccoli. You can have broccoli sprouts with sandwiches or salads.

Tomatoes are other useful vegetables which also have antioxidants that reduce the odds of prostate cancer and also the risk of lung and stomach cancers. Cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce even is good for health so it is good to consume tomatoes on a regular basis. Watermelon guava etc also serves to be very useful in this aspect.

Fishes rich in omega 3 fatty acids like salmons sardines trout etc other cold water fish have anti inflammatory benefits which reduce the chances of cancer in people. Consumption of such fish once or twice a week is essential for everybody.

Vitamin k, vitamin d, lycopene, selenium these are the essential nutrients required to keep oneself away from cancerous carcinogens. Drinking green tea also increases the survival rates of cancer patients. Mushroom products also have a positive impact on the cancer cells. Vitamin a, c, e is some common antioxidants which also help in cancer prevention.
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