Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

3 Basic Steps to Start an Online Business

The internet have gave us a huge opportunity in many areas, especially business.
With the power of the internet and online marketing you can start your own global business with a small capital investments and with a potentially huge return.
Despite the opportunity it has given us, there came many drawbacks as well.
There is always 2 sides to every story, and so does with online business.
There are the good and inspiring stories like Amazon and Google, but there are also scams, pyramid schemes, and ponzi scheme investments in the jungle of internet.
With so many opportunities out there that promises "to make you rich quick", it's hard for us to choose which one is the good and valuable information.
People are overloaded with informations, that they finally lose their focus and the chance of making real money on the internet.
There were a classic line in the marketing and business world that says it all : KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), sometimes when it comes to online business, we think that we need all the latest tools and technology out there to "Make It".
It really isn't about how big your AdWords budgets are or how fancy your web-site looks, to be honest, the Internet is simply a tool to help us go worldwide with our products and business, but the basic fundamentals of having a business online is always the same with old school teachings of the past.
Starting your own online business has the same fundamental when you start your off-line business, you need a business concept, time, investment and endless learning to make it.
So how to start your online business the right way ? These are the 3 basic steps that I've learned through all the hassle of starting an online business.
You need to keep your focus on each steps and never skip a single steps no matter how tempted you are, finish one step at a time and then move on, do not lose focus.
The 3 basic steps are : 1.
Start with an idea : you should start thinking about what you want to do with your business.
You should build a solid basic concept so you'll have a good foundation in the future.
Don't have any idea ? Then use your hobbies as an idea.
Every single one of you must have some hobbies that can be made into a business.
Let's just say that you are a graphic designer, why not make a "Graphic Design Online Course for Newbie" web-sites, or you like to date with women, why not make a "10 Secrets to a Woman's Heart" tutorial ? The possibility is endless.
Why should you start with your hobby for a start ? Because you will have a good time building your business, you won't care whether in the first month you'll end up with no sales from your web-site, because you simply enjoy what you are doing and your passion and drive will eventually lead you to success.
I made a mistake on my first attempt in Internet Marketing, instead of brainstorming for an idea, I just picked up all the programs out there that give me the highest pay-out.
But I wasn't interested with the products or the niche, that's why I struggled just to start my own web-site.
Needless to say, I failed miserably, but hey, I bounced back and use my hobby for graphic designing and playing soccer as an idea.
I build my sites in less than a month and I had fun building it.
No, even better I am having fun maintaining it.
Build yourself a web-site : you plan to make serious money on the internet, then you have to show your customer and prospects that you are a serious Internet Marketer.
The myth of how easy affiliate marketing in the internet by joining any affiliate program for free and then promote the affiliate links through a list of FFA (Free For All) directory will drain you mentally.
Trust me : it won't work ! You need to build yourself a web-site, a domain of your own in the internet with a professional short domain name ( dot com, dot net, etc ) and hosted on a reliable hosting services.
You need to have your web-site rich with useful content and information rather than blatant advertising of your products or opportunities.
When you have your own web-site and it is rich with content and information, you will gain people's trust and respect.
When you gain people's trust and respect, they will be more likely to buy the products from you rather than some affiliate who spammed every single FFA out there using their affiliate links.
Promote your business : after you have a solid business idea and a profesional web-site, then now it's time for you to start promoting your business.
You might have the best looking web-site in the world, but without traffic you'll end up making no sales.
On that note, you have to remember, that in online business your main focus is to have traffic coming into your site not to build the most prolific looking web-site ever.
Keep it nice, simple and clean.
Take a look at Google, it's an ugly looking web site with a search button but it makes its owners billions of dollar per year.
How to promote ? You can drive traffic instantly using PPC like Google for a start if you have a budget, but you can also do it for free, but the later will take time.
One good free promotion method, is to create your own Newsletter or eZine.
Give your visitors a free gift/tips/articles that are related to your business and niche in exchange of their e-mail.
With this you'll gain subscribers, and in time after you finally gain their trust then you can start selling to them.
But I can't write, what should I do ? That's why it's very important for you to start your business with your hobby and passion as the basis.
When you talk about something you are passionate about, the words will just come to your head.
You will write passionately and sincerely, and this is what people like instead of blatant advertising promos.
Or, you can use viral marketing like putting a "Tell a Friend" script on your site, imagine if you can have 1 visitors to recommend your site to 3 person each day, how much traffic you will eventually have by the end of the month ? Link exchanges, signature forms and social networking sites are also good free promotional tools.
Those are the 3 basic steps that you need to start your online business.
It really is no rocket science, anyone can do that, but do they want to do that ? The internet and its technology grows on a speed of light day by day, but the fundamentals will always be there.
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