Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Where to Get the Plan B Pill


    • Plan B is an over-the-counter medication. This means that, in theory, a woman should be able to purchase the medication at any pharmacy or drug store. While this is the case in many places, a large number of pharmacies do not carry emergency contraception for moral or religious reasons. Planned Parenthood recommends finding a reliable supplier and purchasing a dose in advance to keep on hand in case of emergencies.

    Doctor's Office

    • Women under the age of 17 can only get Plan B with a prescription. This means that they must see their family doctor or gynecologist in order to have access to emergency contraception. Prescriptions can also be obtained at reproductive health clinics. In some cases, doctors will prescribe more than one dose of Plan B so teens can have access to it in the future without having to navigate a doctor's visit, delaying treatment.

    Reproductive Health Clinics

    • If you are unable to get an appointment with your family doctor, are worried about your confidentiality or cannot afford a traditional doctor's visit, reproductive health clinics like the local health department or Planned Parenthood can provide you with emergency contraception. These places often offer confidential or anonymous services, sliding fee scales, flexible hours and walk-in appointments to help meet your needs.

    Your Medicine Cabinet

    • If you do not have access to emergency contraception, or the means to purchase it, there are several kinds of birth control pills that you can use in its place. Princeton University maintains a database of the kinds and dosages of oral contraceptives that can be used to prevent pregnancy in place of Plan B. If you have been prescribed one of the brands on the list and have enough on hand, they can be just as effective at preventing pregnancy.

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