There are hundreds of "free article submission" sites that will gladly accept your articles written to provide readers with useful information. As long as these articles are not thinly disguised sales letters, but provide solid content, these sites will accept them for publication, copyright free. In turn, they will then make those articles available for reading--and for publication--for anyone else browsing their article archives. Ezine publishers hungering for good, quality information to provide to their subscribers will include some of these articles in their own publications. Soon, your articles are making their way across the Internet....And at the end of each article (and as a stipulation for free publication), is your resource box, a brief description of you--and a link back to your web site! Soon, you are getting targeted traffic from visitors who have read your article, found information about you in the resource box, and clicked on your web site link provided there. Don't underestimate the value of those links from your articles back to your web site. It's a well known fact that the biggest search engine on the Internet (Google) uses link backs to increase search rankings as it indexes web pages. The more links you have back to your web site, the higher your web page rises in the search rankings! It's really quite difficult to get there any other way, unless you want to pay for sponsored advertisements! But why would you pay for an ad--when you've already invested enough money in your business as it is, and when there is a FREE way to get all of the traffic that you need?
In order for you to really benefit from article posting, you've got to get your article published in as many of these sites as possible. Five or even ten sites just won't do it. You want hundreds and even thousands of visitors to flood your web site! The only way to increase the number of visitors is to increase the number of sites that you post to. Unfortunately, posting to hundreds of article submission sites by hand WILL take you hours! Each article has its own site with its own forms to fill out. Imagine writing an article, and then spending a whole week trying to get it posted to over a hundred article submission sites. The tedium of this kind of manual labor may make you think twice about writing (and posting) your next article.
Unfortunately, there are some article submission service and software available in the market. All of them can save you lots of time and energy. Usually, article submission service is more expensive. Because of that, more and more users choose to use automation software to post their articles automatically to hundreds of article sites and mail lists.
We will provide some unbiased 3rd party reviews of different automation software. Stay tune for our next message.
In order for you to really benefit from article posting, you've got to get your article published in as many of these sites as possible. Five or even ten sites just won't do it. You want hundreds and even thousands of visitors to flood your web site! The only way to increase the number of visitors is to increase the number of sites that you post to. Unfortunately, posting to hundreds of article submission sites by hand WILL take you hours! Each article has its own site with its own forms to fill out. Imagine writing an article, and then spending a whole week trying to get it posted to over a hundred article submission sites. The tedium of this kind of manual labor may make you think twice about writing (and posting) your next article.
Unfortunately, there are some article submission service and software available in the market. All of them can save you lots of time and energy. Usually, article submission service is more expensive. Because of that, more and more users choose to use automation software to post their articles automatically to hundreds of article sites and mail lists.
We will provide some unbiased 3rd party reviews of different automation software. Stay tune for our next message.