Lately, and especially as a result of the recently and acted economic stimulus program which has resulted in the government giving away literally hundreds of billions of dollars, there has been an uptick in the amount of people applying for government grants to obtain some form of debt relief. These gifts from the government are really out there, but you have to know how to apply first.How a grant from the federal government works is that the government will look at an application very closely before making a gift of money ? and a grant is purely a gift and never has to be repaid ? before deciding on a positive or negative reply. Those who are considering finding a government grant to help with debt relief should take some time to study up on the concept a bit before asking for one.The first step to take is to find a government website that deals with grants ? and there is such a website ? and then look over the information presented there. Be warned, though; there's quite a bit of information on that website so it might be a better idea to rely on the services of a commercial website set up to help people obtain such grants.These websites can walk a person through each step and will even give suggestions for how to write a better grant proposal and how to demonstrate that there is no other way to pay the debt back that you're asking the grant to help eliminate. Be prepared ahead of time, in other words.