Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Start Building Your List

Have you been trying to make money on the internet? Is the dream of quitting your day job within your reach? It's a pretty good bet that the majority of those reading this haven't been successful making money on-line.
What I've learned is that there is no quick fix.
I bought all kinds of products, bouncing from one best thing to the next great thing.
I tried it all, but I lacked focus! The key is to pick a venue and stay with it.
Whether PPC (pay per click) is your thing, selling your own products, selling affiliate products or whatever ...
it's important to take action and stay on course.
Internet marketers are abundant and the "gurus" have made a ton of money.
Much of it from people who lacked focus and hopped from one hot product to the next without having much follow through on any of them.
It's easy to get caught up in all the hype and find yourself consistently shelling out the dough.
You can find any kind of product you're looking for on-line.
If you have money available, you may find paying for advertising of those products works for you.
If so, by all means go for it.
But if you don't have a lot of money to start with, and can't really afford to pay per click or action, then start building an email list.
You'll find all the "gurus" say the money is in the list and they're so right.
What do I mean by building a list? It's a process where you collect names and email addresses from people interested in what you have to sell.
Yes, there are some tools you'll need to use, but they're relatively inexpensive and fairly easy, even if you're just beginning.
Additionally, these tools provide the information needed to run your business.
Making money on-line is a business and should be treated like one.
When I first began trying to make money on-line, I made the big mistake of not running it like a business; not running it like I did when I use to "go" somewhere to work.
I say this because so many people think they can just put up a website and it will make money.
No way! You have to work at it just like you do with any business.
You need a product that is of value and then you have to get internet traffic to it.
Again, paying for advertising is one way, if you have the cash.
If not, then start building your list.
So where do you start? I found a great product with lots of valuable step-by-step information on how to build a profitable list.
I've looked at several programs and find this one to be complete and easy to follow.
See the resource box below for the link, and then get started by taking action!
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