The current economic crisis, coupled with the
catastrophic effects of global warming, are creating food
shortages around the globe. So serious has the situation
become for dwindling world food stocks, that the United
Nations has issued a dire warning about the looming
dangers being faced by billions of people world wide.
According to an Associated Press News Release back in
April 2008, "The U.N. chief warned Sunday that the world
must urgently increase food production to ease
skyrocketing prices, and pledged to set up a task force
on a crisis threatening to destabilize developing
nations." He went on to say that this has already caused
riots in many countries of the world. The problem of
soaring food prices, combined with poor yields from the
new weather patterns we've entered into, are now an all
too real reality.
According to the Guardian News Service, January 9, 2009,
"Billions face food shortages, study warns. Climate
change may ruin farming in the tropics by 2100. Record
temperatures to become normal in European sample. Half
of the worlds population could face severe food shortages
by the end of the century as rising temperatures take
their toll on farmers' crops, scientists have
These dire warnings are not just referring to shortages
in the third world, but also closer to home. In an April
2008 article, the New York Sun News Service reported,
"Major retailers in New York, areas in New England and
the West Coast, are limiting purchases of flour, rice,
and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply."
Furthermore, the United States heartland is currently
experiencing both massive drought and devastating
flooding. Australia is also suffering from drought.
Australia lost most of their wheat crop in 2007/2008,
which was down 62% from the previous year.
The fact is, we are entering into a new, and
unprecedented global climate change. According to a
Pentagon report obtained by the Guardian News Service
back in 2004, an imminent scenario of catastrophic
climate change is "plausible and would challenge United
States National Security in ways that should be
considered immediately." The report goes on to say that,
"as early as next year (2005), widespread flooding by a
rise in sea levels will create massive upheaval for
millions." Well, they were close... A devastating
tsunami killing hundreds of thousands occurred early...
in December of 2004.
What does this mean for us? It means that even if we can
afford astronomical food prices, we cannot necessarily
depend on the food being successfully brought to
harvest--thanks in large part to the new weather patterns
we are now experiencing. Also, it's the law of supply
and demand. The less supply, coupled with greater
demand, equals shortages and massive price gouging.
We must each act responsibly by preparing for these
eventualities. We should invest in non-hybrid gardening
seeds and in the knowledge necessary to grow our own
food. We should do this in order to feed our families,
as well as others in need.
However, we cannot necessarily depend upon the weather to
help us either. We need to invest in our future by
procuring MRE's, canned and freeze dried foods ASAP. We
also need to know how to preserve and store food
In any given survival situation, there are two kinds of
people. One simply "can't deal with it", and dies. The
other refuses to "go quietly into the night." He takes
the actions required to face up to the challenges and
goes about the business of surviving. Which kind are
you? Let us not add to the panic which may lay ahead of
us by putting our head in the sand. Let us be among the
responsible ones who help alleviate the problem by
putting up food--for ourselves and for others!
catastrophic effects of global warming, are creating food
shortages around the globe. So serious has the situation
become for dwindling world food stocks, that the United
Nations has issued a dire warning about the looming
dangers being faced by billions of people world wide.
According to an Associated Press News Release back in
April 2008, "The U.N. chief warned Sunday that the world
must urgently increase food production to ease
skyrocketing prices, and pledged to set up a task force
on a crisis threatening to destabilize developing
nations." He went on to say that this has already caused
riots in many countries of the world. The problem of
soaring food prices, combined with poor yields from the
new weather patterns we've entered into, are now an all
too real reality.
According to the Guardian News Service, January 9, 2009,
"Billions face food shortages, study warns. Climate
change may ruin farming in the tropics by 2100. Record
temperatures to become normal in European sample. Half
of the worlds population could face severe food shortages
by the end of the century as rising temperatures take
their toll on farmers' crops, scientists have
These dire warnings are not just referring to shortages
in the third world, but also closer to home. In an April
2008 article, the New York Sun News Service reported,
"Major retailers in New York, areas in New England and
the West Coast, are limiting purchases of flour, rice,
and cooking oil as demand outstrips supply."
Furthermore, the United States heartland is currently
experiencing both massive drought and devastating
flooding. Australia is also suffering from drought.
Australia lost most of their wheat crop in 2007/2008,
which was down 62% from the previous year.
The fact is, we are entering into a new, and
unprecedented global climate change. According to a
Pentagon report obtained by the Guardian News Service
back in 2004, an imminent scenario of catastrophic
climate change is "plausible and would challenge United
States National Security in ways that should be
considered immediately." The report goes on to say that,
"as early as next year (2005), widespread flooding by a
rise in sea levels will create massive upheaval for
millions." Well, they were close... A devastating
tsunami killing hundreds of thousands occurred early...
in December of 2004.
What does this mean for us? It means that even if we can
afford astronomical food prices, we cannot necessarily
depend on the food being successfully brought to
harvest--thanks in large part to the new weather patterns
we are now experiencing. Also, it's the law of supply
and demand. The less supply, coupled with greater
demand, equals shortages and massive price gouging.
We must each act responsibly by preparing for these
eventualities. We should invest in non-hybrid gardening
seeds and in the knowledge necessary to grow our own
food. We should do this in order to feed our families,
as well as others in need.
However, we cannot necessarily depend upon the weather to
help us either. We need to invest in our future by
procuring MRE's, canned and freeze dried foods ASAP. We
also need to know how to preserve and store food
In any given survival situation, there are two kinds of
people. One simply "can't deal with it", and dies. The
other refuses to "go quietly into the night." He takes
the actions required to face up to the challenges and
goes about the business of surviving. Which kind are
you? Let us not add to the panic which may lay ahead of
us by putting our head in the sand. Let us be among the
responsible ones who help alleviate the problem by
putting up food--for ourselves and for others!