- 1). Unlock your Palm Pixi phone by turning the device on and dragging the lock icon upwards on the touch screen.
- 2). Tap the "Launcher" button on the Palm Pixi touch screen. It is at the bottom right corner and indicated by an arrow pointing upwards.
- 3). Find the "App Catalog" icon and tap it to open.
- 4). Tap the "What's New" link to see the latest apps. Also, you can tap "Catagories" to browse the catalog and search for a specific app by typing it in the text box at the top of the App Catalog card.
- 5). Tap the app you want to download. A description and screen shot will appear. You can also tap the "Reviews" button to see what other users think of the app.
- 6). Tap the "Download" button at the bottom of the screen. If you are downloading a paid app for the first time, you will have to add a credit card number to your HP/Palm profile to proceed.